D-I boysSaturday at Naval Station GuamKadena 78, Faith Academy 57, for ninth and 10th placeSimon Sanchez 48, George Washington 44, for seventh and eighth placeAmerican School in Japan 53, Seoul American 49, for fifth and sixth placeFather Duenas Memorial 48, Nile C. Kinnick 46, for third and fourth placeKubasaki 55, Okkodo 47, Kubasaki wins championship
D-I girlsSaturday at Yokota Air Base, JapanOkkodo 27, Guam High 19, for 15th and 16th placeJohn F. Kennedy 33, Kubasaki 30, for 13th and 14th placeSimon Sanchez 36, George Washington 34, for 11th and 12th placeSouthern 53, Christian Academy Japan 32, for ninth and 10th placeNotre Dame 59, Nile C. Kinnick 51, for seventh and eighth placeYokota 63, Seoul American 37, for fifth and sixth placeAmerican School In Japan 44, Academy of Our Lady of Guam 35, for third and fourth placeFaith Academy 57, Kadena 33, Faith Academy wins championship