(matches begin at 4 p.m.)Tuesday, Jan. 15 St. John’s vs. Guam High, John F. Kennedy vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna George Washington vs. Okkodo, St. Thomas Aquinas vs. St. Paul Christian at Tiyan Harvest Christian Academy vs. Father Duenas Memorial at Tamuning Southern at Simon SanchezThursday, Jan. 17 Harvest Christian Academy vs. St. John’s at Aurora Hotel Guam High vs. George Washington at Tiyan Okkodo at Simon Sanchez Academy of Our Lady of Guam vs. St. Paul Christian at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna John F. Kennedy at SouthernTuesday, Jan. 22 Simon Sanchez vs. George Washington at Tiyan Okkodo at John F. Kennedy Harvest Christian Academy vs. Guam High at Ninete Tennis Center St. Thomas Aquinas vs. St. John’s at Aurora Hotel St. Paul Christian at SouthernThursday, Jan. 24 Academy of Our Lady of Guam vs. St. John’s at Aurora Hotel Harvest Christian Academy vs. St. Thomas Aquinas at Tiyan George Washington at John F. Kennedy St. Paul Christian vs. Okkodo at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna Guam High at Simon Sanchez Southern vs. Father Duenas Memorial at TamuningTuesday, Jan. 29 Academy of Our Lady of Guam vs. Harvest Christian Academy, St. Paul Christian vs. George Washington at Tiyan St. Thomas Aquinas vs. Guam High at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna Father Duenas Memorial vs. Okkodo at Tamuning Simon Sanchez at John F. Kennedy Southern vs. St. John’s at Aurora HotelThursday, Jan. 31 St. Paul Christian at Simon Sanchez Southern vs. Harvest Christian Academy, Father Duenas Memorial vs. George Washington at Tiyan Guam High at John F. Kennedy Okkodo vs. St. John’s at Aurora Hotel Academy of Our Lady of Guam vs. St. Thomas Aquinas at Ninete Tennis Center, HagatnaTuesday, Feb. 5 Okkodo vs. Harvest Christian Academy, St. John’s vs. George Washington at Tiyan Academy of Our Lady of Guam vs. Guam High at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna Father Duenas Memorial at Simon Sanchez St. Paul Christian at John F. Kennedy St. Thomas Aquinas at SouthernThursday, Feb. 7 Okkodo vs. St. Thomas Aquinas, George Washington vs. Harvest Christian Academy at Tiyan Father Duenas Memorial at John F. Kennedy St. John’s at Simon Sanchez St. Paul Christian vs. Guam High, Southern vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam at Ninete Tennis Center, HagatnaTuesday, Feb. 12 Okkodo vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam, Southern vs. Guam High at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna Harvest Christian Academy at Simon Sanchez Father Duenas Memorial vs. St. Paul Christian at Tamuning St. Thomas Aquinas vs. George Washington at Tiyan St. John’s at John F. KennedyThursday, Feb. 14 George Washington vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam, St. John’s vs. St. Paul Christian at Ninete Tennis Center John F. Kennedy vs. Harvest Christian Academy at Tiyan Guam High vs. Father Duenas Memorial at Tamuning St. Thomas Aquinas at Simon Sanchez Okkodo at SouthernTuesday, Feb. 19 St. John’s vs. Father Duenas Memorial at Tamuning Simon Sanchez vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam, Okkodo vs. Guam High at Ninete Tennis Center, Hagatna St. Thomas Aquinas at John F. Kennedy Harvest Christian Academy vs. St. Paul Christian at Tiyan George Washington at Southern End of regular seasonPostseason Independent Interscholastic Athletic Association of Guam all-island championship time, date and site to be determined