Boys basketball(games begin at 5:30 p.m.)
Thursday, March 3Notre Dame vs. Southern at Agat
Friday, March 4Harvest Christian Academy vs. John F. Kennedy at Sports Complex, HarmonOkkodo at Simon SanchezSt. Paul Christian at St. John’sFather Duenas Memorial at Notre DameSouthern at George Washington
Saturday, March 5Harvest Christian Academy at St. John’sSimon Sanchez vs. John F. Kennedy at Sports Complex, HarmonOkkodo at St. Paul ChristianFather Duenas Memorial at Guam HighEND REGULAR SEASON
Saturday, March 12Quarterfinals(games begin at 6 p.m.; sites to be determined)Game 1—Fourth-place Gadao at first-place TagaGame 2—Third-place Taga at second-place GadaoGame 3—Third-place Gadao at second place TagaGame 4—Fourth-place Taga at first-place GadaoAt University of Guam Field HouseTuesday, March 15SemifinalsGame 5—Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner, 5:30 p.m.Game 6—Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 winner, 7 p.m.Friday, March 18Third-place gameGame 7—Game 5 loser vs. Game 6 loser, 5:30 p.m.ChampionshipGame 8—Game 5 winner vs. Game 6 winner, 7 p.m.
Girls softballSaturday, March 5(games begin at 9 a.m.)Okkodo vs. John F. Kennedy at TiyanSt. Paul Christian vs. Simon Sanchez at YigoAcademy of Our Lady of Guam at George WashingtonNotre Dame at Southern
Wednesday, March 9(games begin at 4 p.m.)St. Paul Christian at OkkodoSimon Sanchez vs. John F. Kennedy at TiyanGuam High at SouthernNotre Dame vs. Academy of Our Lady of Guam at George Washington High School, MangilaoEND REGULAR SEASON
Saturday, March 19Quarterfinals(games begin at 9 a.m.)Game 1—Fourth-place Taga at first-place GadaoGame 2—Third-place Gadao at second-place TagaGame 3—Third-place Taga at second-place GadaoGame 4—Fourth-place Gadao at first-place TagaWednesday, March 23Semifinals(games begin at 4 p.m.)Game 5—Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winnerGame 6—Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 winnerSaturday, March 26Third-place gameGame 7—Game 5 loser vs. Game 6 loserChampionshipGame 8—Game 5 winner vs. Game 6 winner
RugbySaturday, March 5At Okkodo High School, DededoBoys varsitySouthern vs. Father Duenas Memorial, 9 a.m.George Washington vs. Guam High, 10 a.m.Simon Sanchez at Okkodo, 11 a.m.St. Paul Christian vs. John F. Kennedy, noonGirls varsitySimon Sanchez vs. Notre Dame, 3 p.m.Southern vs. George Washington, 4 p.m.Okkodo vs. Guam High, 5 p.m.St. Paul Christian vs. John F. Kennedy, 6 p.m.END REGULAR SEASON
Saturday, March 12At George Washington High School, MangilaoBoysMatch 1—No. 3 vs. No. 2, 6 p.m.Match 2—No. 4 vs. No. 1, 7 p.m.GirlsMatch 1—No. 3 vs. No. 2, 4 p.m.Match 2—No. 4 vs. No. 1, 5 p.m.Saturday, March 19At Wettengel Ruby FieldBoysMatch 3—No. 8 vs. No. 7, 10 a.m.Match 4—No. 6 vs. No. 5, noonThird-place matchMatch 5—Match 1 loser vs. Match 2 loser, 2 p.m.ChampionshipMatch 6—Match 1 winner vs. Match 2 winner, 4 p.m.GirlsMatch 3—No. 8 vs. No. 7, 9 a.m.Match 4—No. 6 vs. No. 5, 11 a.m.Third-place matchMatch 5—Match 1 loser vs. Match 2 loser, 1 p.m.ChampionshipMatch 6—Match 1 winner vs. Match 2 winner, 3 p.m.