CAMP RED CLOUD, South Korea — Pvt. John Nasiatka of the 2nd Infantry Division’s 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery, A Battery, overtook Pfc. Randy Ross to win the 8th Army heavyweight division wrestling championship Saturday at Carey Fitness Center on Camp Casey.
Twenty-seven soldiers competed in six different weight classes during the tournament, which was dominated mostly by Area I entrants.
Other winners included: in the 152-pound class, Spc. Garren Diotalevi of Special Troops Battalion, B Company; at 167 pounds, Pfc. Jerett Lacure of 1-2 Aviation, D Company; at 187 pounds, Staff Sgt. Cody Grave of 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery, B Battery; and at 213 pounds, Pfc. Steve Wonderlin of 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery, B Battery.
302nd BSB wins flag football championshipThe 302nd Brigade Support Battalion’s E Company defeated their battalion mates in A Company 32-0 to win the 2006 Warrior Division Company/Battery Flag Football Championship at Camp Casey Field on Friday.
Both teams from the 302nd BSB bested teams from the 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment’s headquarters company in the semifinals.
The top two finalists will represent Area I at the 8th Army championships from Nov. 2 to 4 at Camp Humphreys.
Friendship Biathlon entries being acceptedThe first 50 entries will be accepted for Defense Department identification holders who wish to enter the Korean/American Friendship Biathlon, Nov. 19, beginning at Camp Humphreys Building 1280.
Entrants will compete from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in a 20K bicycle and 10K road race.
To apply, send a rank, name, unit and phone number to Kim Chi-hyon at, or call 753-8810.
Area I Golf Tournament Nov. 11 at Camp CaseyThe Area I Friendship Golf Tournament will be held Nov. 11 at the Camp Casey Golf Course with tee times beginning at 7 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Prizes will be awarded to participants, who will compete in a 4-person scramble format. For information or to register, call Sally Hall at 730-4812.