Mitchell Harrison of Zama American sends Jeff Ogutu of St. Mary's International airborne during Wednesday's 180-pound bout in the Kanto Plain Association of Secondary Schools season-opening dual meet for both teams at Zama American High School, Japan. Harrison pinned Ogutu in 1 minute, 55 seconds, but St. Mary's won the dual meet 45-17. (Hannah May Greer Hicks/Special to Stars and Stripes)
High school
BasketballBoysOkinawaKadena 80, Kubasaki 73Wednesday at Kadena Air BaseKubasaki ....... 18 25 13 17—73Kadena ....... 11 17 28 24—80Scoring — Kadena, Jalen Amos 20, Preston Harris 16, Savon Woodie 14. Kubasaki, C.J. Crenshaw 30, B.J. Simmons 14, Xavier Price 12. Rebounding — Kadena, Harris 6, Jalen Amos 5. Kubasaki, Price 7, Ryan Burnette 6, Crenshaw 6. Noteworthy — Panthers (2-0) erased a 17-point second-quarter deficit, going ahead to stay on Savon Woodie’s rebound layup 66-64 with 4:10 left. Dragons (3-2) scored the game’s first nine points. It was a battle of the most decorated programs in Far East Division I Tournament history and the last two D-I Tournament champions; Kubasaki won its 10th title last February and Kadena its ninth in 2010
South KoreaSeoul American 73, Osan American 44Wednesday at Yongsan GarrisonSAHS ....... 23 14 21 15—73Osan ....... 13 11 11 9—44Scoring — SAHS, Tomiwa Akinbayo 28, Bryant McCray 10. Rebounding — SAHS, Akinbayo 11. Assists — SAHS, Daniel Meyer 6, Bryant McCray 5. Noteworthy — For fourth straight game, all Falcons played and all Falcons scored
Yongsan International-Seoul 50, Seoul Foreign 34Wednesday at SeoulYIS-S ....... 12 15 13 10—50SFS ....... 16 5 6 7—34Scoring — YIS-S, Jonathan Bai 20, Raymond Lee 11, Sam Kang 10. Rebounding — YIS-S, Bai 16, Kang 14, Lee 5
Taejon Christian International 63, Korea International 37Tuesday at PangyoQuarter splits not available. Scoring — TCIS, John Hahm 14, Tim Kwon 11, Ben Moimoi 10, Steve Lee 10
JapanAmerican School In Japan 60, Christian Academy Japan 58Tuesday at TokyoCAJ ....... 18 13 19 8—58ASIJ ....... 19 13 14 14—60Scoring — ASIJ, Sam Hopkins 17, Sam Olson 11. CAJ, Eliot Reasoner 20. Rebounding — ASIJ, Hayden Jardine 14. Noteworthy — Late ASIJ steal led to a basket by Olson, followed by a Ken Yajima foul shot for the final margin
GirlsOkinawaKadena 48, Kubasaki 27Wednesday at Kadena Air BaseKubasaki ....... 0 8 12 7—27Kadena ....... 17 20 10 1—48Scoring — Kadena, Eisiah Lawson 12. Kubasaki, Naomi Yocum 9
South KoreaSeoul American 42, Osan American 27Wednesday at Osan Air BaseSAHS ....... 7 12 15 8—42Osan ....... 7 4 7 9—27Scoring — SAHS, Mecca Perkins 19, Michelle Higgins 10. Osan, Bobbyjean Hilliard 10
Yongsan International-Seoul 52, Seoul Foreign 51, OTWednesday at SeoulYIS-S ....... 10 12 11 13 6—52SFS ....... 13 6 15 12 5—51Scoring — YIS-S, Sarah Kim 18, Jessi Son 16. SFS, Claire Park 12. Rebounding — SFS, Bailey Baker 7, Michelle Richardson 7, Kristine Park 6, C.Park 5. Noteworthy — Rebecca Luke’s three-point goal for the Crusaders sent the game into overtime, when Kim weaved through traffic and hit a baseline eight-footer as time expired for the Guardians
WrestlingJapanSt. Mary’s International 45, Zama American 17Wednesday at Camp Zama101 pounds — Ray Okuno, St. Mary’s, by walkover; 108 — Kaimi Miyazawa, St. Mary’s, by walkover; 115 — Eric Otero, Zama, pin. Kentaro Hayashi, 3:54; 122 — Josh Elliot, Zama, pined Kevin Kuo, 3:22; 129 — Soma Yoshida, St. Mary’s, pin. Jacob Scott, time unavailable; 135 — Koki Fujiwara, St. Mary’s, by walkover; 141 — JP Kwak, St. Mary’s, dec. Chad Wilder, 2-0 (6-5, 5-3); 148 — Yoshiaki Tokunaga, St. Mary’s, superior dec. Harold Feliciano, 2-0 (7-0, 6-0); 158 — Brendon Hymas, St. Mary’s, superior dec. Josh Mumford, 2-0 (7-0, 4-0); 168 — Jeffrey Koo, St. Mary’s, superior dec. Brenden Sullivan, 2-0 (7-0, 8-2); 180 — Mitchell Harrison, Zama, pin. Jeff Ogutu, 1:55; 215 — Sean Ward, St. Mary’s, pin. Josh Collier, :14; Heavyweight — Chidi Agbo, St. Mary’s, by walkover
Nile C. Kinnick 37, Christian Academy Japan 25Tuesday at Yokosuka Naval Base101 pounds — Ed Sheridan, Kinnick, by walkover; 108 — Seiki Miyamoto, CAJ, by walkover; 115 — Quincy McCants, Kinnick, dec. Ken Nanri, score unavailable; 122 — Eric Overton, CAJ, pin. Givon Conner, 1:20; 129 — Yuma Fuseya, CAJ, dec. Marvin Newbins; 135 — Sam Johnson, CAJ, pin. Zach Yoder, :34; 141 — Apron Shrestha, CAJ, pin. Eric Sims, 1:24; 148 — Zach Lacaria, Kinnick, dec. Sam Newsome, score unavailable; 158 — Alex Banks, Kinnick, pin. Wataru Ueno, 1:30; 168 — Thomas Seward, Kinnick, by walkover; 180 — Aaron Stravers, Kinnick, by walkover; 215 — Ian O’Brien, Kinnick, pin. Chris Martin, 2:32; Heavyweight — William Embry, Kinnick, by walkover.