TennisAt Risner Tennis Complex Kadena Air Base, OkinawaFinal team scores1 (tie), Seoul American and Kadena, Okinawa, 56; 3, Nile C. Kinnick, Japan, 28; 4 (tie), Kubasaki, Okinawa, and Daegu American, South Korea, 24; 6, Guam High, 20; 7 (tie), E.J. King and Matthew C. Perry, Japan, and Osan American, South Korea, 16; 10 (tie), Yokota and Zama American, Japan, 8; 12, Robert D. Edgren, Japan, 6.All-Far East teamsBoysKyle Sprow, Eliott Mason, Kadena, Okinawa; Abe Nelson, Chong Lee, Seoul American; Russel Midomaru, Daegu American, South Korea; Jay Pothula, Nile C. Kinnick, Japan; Shuji Miller, Yokota, Japan; Andre Bugawan, Matthew C. Perry, Japan.GirlsElissa Mason, Kadena, Okinawa; Kennedy Allen, Melissa Bruhnke, Seoul American; Cait Frandsen, Kubasaki, Okinawa; Amber Gadsden, Guam High; Joni Fatora, E.J. King, Japan; Rebekah Harwell, Matthew C. Perry, Japan; Kate Mooney, Nile C. Kinnick, Japan.Boys singlesChampionshipKyle Sprow, Kadena, def. Eliott Mason, Kadena, 6-2, 6-2Third placeRussel Midomaru, Daegu American, def. Andre Bugawan, Matthew C. Perry, 8-6Girls singlesChampionshipElissa Mason, Kadena, def. Kennedy Allen, Seoul American, 6-4, 6-2Third placeCait Frandsen, Kubasaki, def. Joni Fatora, E.J. King, 8-1
Boys doublesThird placeChong Lee and Abe Nelson, Seoul American, def. Russel Midomaru and Patrick Buehl, Daegu American, 8-3Girls doublesChampionshipKennedy Allen and Melissa Bruhnke, Seoul American, def. Amber Gadsden and Christina Payne 6-2, 6-1Third placeCait Frandsen and Tammi Ragan, Kubasaki, def. Bria Smith and Joni Fatora, E.J. King, 8-0Mixed doublesQuarterfinalsMichael Ross and Teressa Kim, Seoul American, def. Austen San Nicolas and Christina Payne, Guam High, 6-1, 6-1ChampionshipLaura Konecne and Dustin Caranci, Osan American, def. Ross and Kim 6-4, 6-3
Third placeBryan Roche and Katie Mundie, Kadena, def. San Nicolas and Payne 8-5
Class AA VolleyballAt Guam High School, Agana Heights, and Coral Reef Fitness & Sports Center Andersen Air Force Base, GuamSingle-elimination playoffsThursday’s matchesMatch 1-Guam High def. Yokota, Japan, 25-21, 25-16Match 2-Kubasaki, Okinawa, def. Kadena, Okinawa, 25-15, 21-25, 15-6Match 3-Nile C. Kinnick, Japan, def. John F. Kennedy, Guam, 25-16, 25-15Match 4-Seisen International, Japan, def. Christian Academy In Japan 25-17, 14-25, 15-9Match 5-Simon Sanchez, Guam, def. Southern, Guam, 25-17, 25-19Match 6-Notre Dame, Guam, def. Zama American, Japan, 25-12, 25-14Match 7-Faith Academy, Philippines, def. Academy of Our Lady of Guam 25-22, 25-21Match 8-Seoul American def. St. John’s, Guam, 25-21, 23-25, 15-9Match 9-George Washington, Guam, def. Guam High 26-24, 25-13Match 10-American School In Japan def. Kubasaki 25-15, 21-25, 15-7Match 11-Sanchez def. Seisen 25-18, 22-25, 15-13Match 12-Faith def. Notre Dame 25-19, 19-25, 15-13Match 13-GW def. Kinnick 25-17, 25-15Match 14-ASIJ def. Seoul 25-14, 25-15Friday’s matchesMatch 15-Yokota vs. KubasakiMatch 16-Kadena vs. Guam HighMatch 17-Zama vs. CAJMatch 18-Academy vs. JFKMatch 19-St. John’s vs. Match 15 winnerMatch 20-Southern vs. Match 16 winnerMatch 21-Notre Dame vs. Match 17 winnerMatch 22-Seisen vs. Match 18 winnerMatch 23-Seoul vs. Match 19 winnerMatch 24-Kinnick vs. Match 20 winnerMatch 25-Match 21 winner vs. Match 23 winnerMatch 26-Match 22 winner vs. Match 24 winnerMatch 27-Sanchez vs. GWMatch 28-Faith vs. ASIJSaturday’s matchesMatch 29-Match 16 loser vs. Match 18 loserMatch 30-Match 15 loser vs. Match 17 loserMatch 31-Match 19 loser vs. Match 22 loserMatch 32-Match 20 loser vs. Match 21 loserMatch 33-Match 24 loser vs. Match 29 winnerMatch 34-Match 23 loser vs. Match 30 winnerMatch 35-Match 31 winner vs. Match 33 winnerMatch 36-Match 32 winner vs. Match 34 winnerMatch 37-Match 35 winner vs. Match 36 winner, ninth placeMatch 38-Match 25 loser vs. Match 26 loser, seventh placeMatch 39-Match 25 winner vs. Match 26 winner, fifth placeMatch 40-Match 27 loser vs. Match 28 loser, third placeMatch 41-Match 27 winner vs. Match 28 winner, championship
Class A VolleyballAt Kelly Fitness and Sports Center, Camp Walker, and Daegu American School, Daegu, South KoreaDouble-elimination playoffsThursday’s matchesMatch A-Korea International def. Global Visions Christian, South Korea, 25-10, 25-17, 25-17Match B-Robert D. Edgren, Japan, def. E.J. King, Japan, 24-26, 25-23, 25-19, 25-20Match C-International Christian-Uijongbu, South Korea, def. Okinawa Christian International 25-20, 12-25, 25-16, 17-25, 15-12Match D-Yongsan International-Seoul def. Matthew C. Perry, Japan, 25-11, 25-21, 20-25, 25-20Match E-Daegu American, South Korea, def. Korea International 24-26, 25-15, 18-25, 25-22, 15-8Match F-International School of the Sacred Heart, Japan, def. Edgren 25-12, 25-23, 25-18Match G-Morrison Christian Academy, Taiwan, def. ICS-Uijongbu 25-12, 25-9, 25-9Match H-Osan American, South Korea, def. YIS-Seoul 24-26, 25-5, 26-24, 25-11Match I-E.J. King def. Global Visions 25-27, 25-17, 25-12, 25-21; Global Visions eliminatedMatch J-Korea Int’l def. ICS-Uijongbu 25-19, 25-19, 25-19; ICS-Uijongbu eliminatedMatch K-Okinawa Christian International def. M.C. Perry 28-30, 25-17, 26-24, 25-14; M.C. Perry eliminatedMatch L-Edgren def. YIS-Seoul 25-22, 15-25, 25-20, 17-25, 15-10; YIS-Seoul eliminatedMatch M-Daegu def. ISSH 25-18, 25-22, 22-25, 26-24Match N-Osan def. Morrison 25-23, 22-25, 25-19, 30-32, 15-13Match O-E.J. King vs. Korea Int’l, lateMatch P-Okinawa Christian International vs. Edgren, lateFriday’s matchesMatch Q-ISSH vs. Match O winner, 8 a.m.Match R-Morrison vs. Match P winner, 9:30 a.m.Match S-Daegu vs. Osan, 12:30 p.m.Match T-Match Q winner vs. Match R winner, 11 a.m.Match U-Match S loser vs. Match T winner, 2 p.m.Match V-Match S winner vs. Match U winner, 4 p.m.Match W-Match S winner vs. Match U winner if Match S winner loses Match V, 6 p.m.