
Andrew QuallioCross country

Zama American, Japan

Last week: Shattered a 22-year-old course record and 13-year-old Kanto Plain Association of Secondary Schools record and became only the second runner to clock under 15 minutes on the boys’ 2.9-mile course at Tama Hills Recreation Center during Saturday’s Kanto Plain championship meet.

Quallio, a senior, was timed in 14 minutes, 29.9 seconds. That bettered by 23.1 seconds the 14:53 run by Bill Manning of Robert D. Edgren in the 1986 Kanto meet. It was also 33.1 seconds faster than the 15:03 timed by Brent Wright of Christian Academy In Japan in 1995.

He just sent it to another level," coach Mitch Moellendick said of Quallio.

"I was pretty ecstatic to see him do that."

Pam CodeCross country

Seoul American

Last week: Won the girls 3.1-mile race and led a pack of four Falcons in the top 10, powering them to their first sweep of the boys and girls team titles in Saturday’s Korean-American Interscholastic Activities Conference championship meet at International Christian School-Uijongbu.

Code, a sophomore, was timed in 21 minutes, 4 seconds, 12 seconds better than teammate Allie McCormick. The Falcons’ Thomas Kim won the boys race in 16:55, and Seoul’s boys beat Seoul Foreign 16-64 for team honors, while the Falcons’ girls outscored Seoul Foreign 30-78.

"She’s a very hard worker," coach Steve Boyd said of Code, adding that while she doesn’t look like the consummate cross country runner. "She’s meticulous. She hits her pace and keeps her pace. She’s quiet, unassuming and she has good leadership ability and skills. She made a believer out of me this season."

— Selected by Stars and Stripes staff

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