How to make perfect risotto? I always assumed constant stirring was a must, but that’s not what a Ticinese expert advises. Read on.Rinse rice. (Be sure you use rice made for risotto, most commonly Arborio.) Chop an onion, then sauté in butter. When chopped onion is softened, add rice and stir until glassy. Add a little white or red wine. Stir until the liquid has evaporated. Then add hot chicken bouillon, usually four times the quantity of rice, but do not add all the liquid at once. Start with about half of the total amount, stir, then cook on low heat until all the liquid has evaporated before adding more liquid. Stir from time to time, but it’s OK to take a break, my source insisted. Follow this procedure, adding more liquid and cooking until rice still has a bite. As a finishing touch, add grated Parmesan, gorgonzola or cream. Put a cover on the pan and let the risotto rest for two minutes before serving. Buon appetito!