Frankfurt International School's Natalie Perraro heads towards the stadium and the finish line on the way to winning the girls' cross country race in Wiesbaden on Saturday. It was the first weekend of action for high school teams throughout Europe. (Michael Abrams / S&S)
Cross country(All races covered 5,000 meters and were run Saturday)
BoysTeam scoring—Aviano 15, Milan 50, Vicenza incomplete.Individuals—1, Sean Wilson (Avi) 17:49 (Course record. Old record and holder unavailable); 2, Dan Slade (Avi) 17:50; 3, Steven Heath (Avi) 19:35; 4, Thomas Gould (Avi) 20:27; 5, Joseph Gould (Avi) 20:33; 6, Anson Stuart (Avi) 20:41; 7, Nicho Eggers (Avi) 20:48; 8, Mark Corpuz (Avi) 20:51; 9, Aaron Waldemn (Avi) 20:58; 10, Robert Cavin (Avi) 21:00.
GirlsTeam scoring—Aviano 15, Vicenza 50, Milan incomplete.Individuals—1, Shelby Yoakum (Avi) 21:55; 2, Sasia Salter-Mack (Avi) 23:00; 3, Mady O’Brien (Avi); 4, Kaylee Gumm (Avi) 23:33; 5, Olivia Blanco (Avi) 24:57; 6, Melandie Hudson (Avi) 25:06; 7, Bradie Dwenger (Avi) 25:11; 8, Ariel Nixnik (Avi) 25:13; 9, Taylor Kier (Vicz) 25:18; 10, Sarah Heryford 25:48.
LakenheathBoysTeam scoring—Lakenheath 17, Alconbury 68, Menwith Hill incomplete.Individuals—1, Trevor Snapp (Lake) 17:53; 2, Ryan McDonnell (Lake) 18:20; 3, Sean Gallegos (Lake ) 18:33; 4, Brandon Geronimo (Alc) 18:41; 5, Joe Hofmann (Lake) 18:43; 6, Derek Franco (Lake) 19:05; 7, Ernestas Tyminas (MH) 19:10; 8, Travis Meyer (MH) 19:32; 9, Jacob Lawson (Lake) 19:33; 10, Zach Randolph (Lake) 19:59.
GirlsTeam scoring—Lakenheath 15, Menwith Hill and Alconbury incomplete.Individuals—1, Shelby Whatley (Lake) 20:38 (Course record. Old record 21:41, by Whatley 2007); 2, Amber Buckingham (Lake) 23:05; 3, Laura Brannon (Lake) 23:16; 4, Isabelle DiFranco (MH) 25:05; 5, Ashley Whatley (Lake) 25:11; 6, Natasha Johnson (Lake) 25:01; 7, Courtney Grazzini (Lake) 25:59; 8, Vanessa James (Lake) 26:03; 9, Rene Andregg (Lake) 26:34; 10, Rachel Cranney (Lake) 26:38.
AFNORTHBoysTeam scoring—International School of Brussels 25, Brussels 59, SHAPE 77, St. John’s of Brussels 89. AFNORTH, Bitburg and Baumholder were incomplete.Individuals—1, Baudoin Fort (ISB) 17:48; 2, Jared Wallace (SHP) 18:14; 3, Myles Bason (ISB) 18:42; 4, Lawrence Vandervoort (StJ) 18:56; 5, Matthew Tucker (ISB) 19:02; 6, Harry Cross (ISB) 19:03l; 7, Theo Leuesne (StJ) 19:13; 8, Adriano Sigifredo (Baum) 19:26; 9, Aaron Ellis (Brus) 19:24; 10, Louis Couture (ISB) 19:25.
GirlsTeam scoring—St. John’s 39, SHAPE 68, International School of Brussels 76. AFNORTH, Brussels, Bitburg and Baumholder were incomplete.Individuals—1, Jessica Renshaw (StJ) 22:41; 2, Svenja Schwartz (ISB) 22:52; 3, Kate Bell (SHP) 23:02; 4, Hillary Lynee (StJ) 23:02; 5, Kylin Holcomb-Martinez (Bitb) 23:16; 6, Mackenzie Lowery (StJ) 23:19; 7, Ai Shimura (ISB) 23:48; 8, Erin Beckman (SHP) 23:58; 9, Antje Schwarz (ISB) 24:02; 10, Jamie Strobel (AFN) 23:04.
PatchBoysTeam scoring—Patch 24, Ansbach 58, Vilseck 64, Bamberg 93, Hohenfels incomplete.Individuals—1, Sterling Teall (Ansb) 17:25; 2, Joe Anderson (Pat) 18:27; 3, Kristian Alegado 18:36; 4, Ross Paxton (Pat) 18:50; 5, Cole Garraghty (Pat) 18:57; 6, Zach Decker (Pat) 18:59; 7, Brandon Crytzer (Pat) 19:04; 8, Javon Henninger (Pat) 19:07; 9, Jordan LeBouef (Vils) 19:10; 10, Zane Kennedy (Vils) 19:10.
GirlsTeam scoring—Patch 19, Vilseck 44, Ansbach 83. Bamberg and Hohenfels incompleteIndividuals—1, Claire Shumaker (Pat) 23:23; 2, Amber Core (Vils) 23:44; 3, Emma Murray (Pat) 23:46; 4, Sarah Higgins (Pat) 23:54; 5, Alexis Harrison (Pat) 24:08; 6, Lindsey Johnson (Pat) 24:23; 7, Myra Kinder (Pat) 24:50; 8, Kylie Springer (Pat) 24:50; 9, Shamyra Coleman (Vils) 25:44, Tamaria Hollis (Vils) 26:24.
WiesbadenBoysTeam scoring—Ramstein 19, Kaiserslautern 68, Wiesbaden 71, Heidelberg 79, Frankfurt International School 88.Individuals—1, Kelis Secrest (Ram) 16:50; 2, Jon Rynecki (Heid) 17:49; 3, Laz Ramos (Ram) 17:55; 4, Dillion Wadsack (Ram) 18:12; 5, Will Barnes (Ram) 18:15; 6, Alex Cornelius (Man) 18:19; 7, Matt Lein (Ram) 18:26; 8, Arley Moorlock (FIS) 18:34; 9, Gustav Meyers (Ram) 19:01; 10, Thomas Amrine (Ram) 19:02.
GirlsTeam scoring—Heidelberg 35, Ramstein 36, Kaiserslautern 60, Wiesbaden 79, Frankfurt International School incomplete.Individuals—1, Natalie Perraro (FIS) 21:40 ; 2, Elizabeth Doe (Ram) 21:57; 3, Kelsey Collier (Ram) 22:00; 4, Felicia Gonzales (Ram) 22:30; 5, Maggie Cutler (Heid) 22.41; 6, Colleen Davis (Kais) 22:47; 7, Olivia Darrow (Heid) 22:50; 8, Christine Bremer (Heid) 23:08; 9, Kerry O’Brien (Heid) 23:22; 10, Alyx Miser (Kais) 23.27.
NaplesBoysTeam scoring—Naples 30, Sigonella 45, American Overseas School of Rome 47. Marymount International School of Rome incomplete.Individuals—1, John Markman (Nap) 18:43; 2, Mike Marshall (Nap) 19:59; 3, Sky Seliquini (AOSR) 20:07; 4, Jordan Rettle (Sig) 20:11; 5, Nathaniel Dejene (Mmt) 20:18; 6, Pietro Dinmore (AOSR) 20:29; 7, Josh Powell (Nap) 20:56; 8, George Corey (Sig) 21:03; 9, Henry Bond (Nap) 21:34; 10, Thomas Berak (Sig) 21:37.
GirlsTeam scoring—Naples 25, Sigonella 33, American Overseas School of Rome and Marymount International Schol of Rome incomplete.Individuals—1, Shannon Cuthbert (Nap) 22:30; 2, Jennifer Patron (Sig) 22:52; 3, Katie Hancock (Sig) 22:53; 4, Haylea Witz (Nap) 22:53; 5, Katey Chartier (Nap) 26:10; 6, Elizabeth Ventura (Sig) 27:10; 7, Julia Loudon (Nap) 27:12; 8, Ashley Bowe (Nap) 27:13; 9, Katie Pfeiffer (Nap) 28:57; 10, Emily Trombetta (Mmt) 30:38.
Tennis(All matches played Saturday. Individual forfeits not listed. Time permitting, No.1s play best-of-3 sets; all others single 8-game pro set)
Lakenheath at BrusselsLakenheath girls 9, Brussels 0 Molly Martin (Lake) def. Carissa Ryan 6-0, 6-0; Ciara Ryan (Lake) def. Isabelle Georges 8-2; Armelle Buffet (Lake) def. Christiana Calumpit 8-4; Meghan Bateman (Lake) def. Sabrina Curtis 8-1; Bre Basnett (Lake) def. Rachel Campbell 8-0; Brittany Latham and Gaby Gargis (Lake) def. Ca. Ryan and Georges 6-3, 7-5; Julia Novak and Michelle Sullivan (Lake) def. Calumpit and Campbell 8-1.
Lakenheath boys 5, Brussels 4 Cavan Cohoes (Lake) def. Mike Grennek 6-0, 6-1; Danny Burroughs (Lake) def. Meiler Balog 8-3; Yuri Stanton (Brus) def. Alex MacWilliams 8-3; Tyler Poppen-Wiemer (Lake) def. Albert Winid 8-6; Daniel Buffet (Lake) def. Ryan Bottesini 9-7; Scott Stewart (Brus) def. Ian Rojas 8-5; Burroughs and D. Buffet def. Stanton and Balog 6-4, 4-6, 6-4; Grennek and Winid def. MacWilliams and Poppen-Wiemer 8-5; Bottesini and Stewart def. Layton Little and Derek Schipper 8-2.
Bitburg at AFNORTHBitburg boys 7, AFNORTH 2 Tim Liebig (Bitb) def. Eric Childs 8-1; Greg Combass (Bitb) def. Jake Schmidt (8-4; Tyler Jacobs (Bitb) def. Zach Zembower 8-0; Spencer Hyland (AFN) def. Timmy Merrill 8-5; John McCrea (Bitb) def. Sebastian Roy 8-3; Aaron Sta. Aqueda (Bitb) def. Mathias Naess 8-5; Liebig and Combass def. Childs and Schmidt 8-0; Jacobs and Merrill def. Zembower and Livingston 8-2; Naess and Roy def. Willmoth and Livingston 8-6.AFNORTH girls 9, Bitburg 0 Ellie Katzenson (AFN) def. Brittany Russo 8-6; Stephanie Seitz (AFN) def. Gabriella Reagan 8-2; Heather Acre (AFN) def. Zoe Whitney 8-0.
Ramstein at BaumholderRamstein boys 9, Baumholder 0 Sean Stoksted (Ram) def. Steven Billington 6-0, 6-0; Brian Kelley (Ram) def. Nate Beatty 8-2; Seth Marquardt (Ram) def. Ory Bailey 8-0; Daniel Scott (Ram) def. Van Phillips 8-0; Josh Wakeam (Ram) def. Dylan Touchine 8-0; Connor Brown (Ram) def. Paladin Turner 8-1; Kelly and Marquardt def. Billington and Beatty 6-0, 6-1; Mol and Langholz def. Bailey and Phillips 8-0; Forest Kamperman and Seth Hollingsworth (Ram) def. Turner and EphraimWilson-Diaz 8-1.Ramstein girls 9, Baumholder 0 Lindsey Jones (Ram) def Jamie Ellis 6-0, 6-0; Meagen Kirts def. Kendrea Cameron 8-1; Rachel Smith (Ram) def. Amanda Rivera 8-1; Olivia Hering (Ram) Sydney Giefer 8-0; Sarah Dettmer (Ram) def. Rachel Money 8-0; Danielle Arbuckle (Ram) def. Pam Hall 8-0; Kirts and Katie Snell (Ram) def. Ellis and Cameron 6-0, 6-0; Blair Arbuckle and Shannon O’Neal (Ram) def. Mechelle Smith and Bria Johnson 8-0; Karin Mol and Michaela Corral (Ram) def. Angelica Pabon and Amanda Flanagan 8-0.
Kaiserslautern at SHAPESHAPE boys 9, Kaiserslautern 0 Billy Baumgardner (SHP) def. Michael Boone 6-0, 6-1; Nickolay Gospodinov (SHP) def. Erik Langholz 8-0; Jesus Diaz (SHA) def. Patrick Terminho 8-0; Andrei Mavris (SHP) def. Davin Clements 8-0; Juan dela Torre (SHP) def. John Reynolds 8-0; Silviu Strimbeanu (SHP) def. Ty Trojanowski 8-0; Gospodinov and Diaz def. Boone and Langholz 6-0, 6-0; Ali Custan and Guillermo Garcia (SHP) def. Terminho and Clements 8-0; dela Torre and Ignacio Sanchez (SHP) def. Reynolds and Trojanowski 8-3.SHAPE girls 5, Kaiserslautern 4 Svenja Jansen (SHP) def. Katelyn Bader 7-5, 6-1; Panna Balla (SHP) def. Amy Trostle 8-1; Natalia Gackova (SHP) def. Natalie Jung 9-7; Alana Young (Kais) def. Emma Hagen 8-1; Ellen Campany (SHP) def Ana Aguirre 8-1; Balla and Gackova def. Bader and Trostle 6-0, 4-6, 6-0; Jung and Young def. Jansen and Campany 9-7.
Wiesbaden at HeidelbergHeidelberg girls 9, Wiesbaden 0 Chelsa Cotter (Heid) def. Lisa Enokawa 6-2, 6-1; Andrea Wheatcroft (Heid) def. Sarah Kempner-Strehlow 8-1; Nikki Ecenrode (Heid) def. Jill Fredrickson 8-0; Ashley Mersereau (Heid) def. Rebecca Borner 8-0; Rebecca Jost (Heid) def. Montana Feix 8-6; April Ecenrode (Heid) def. Taylor Dore 8-0; N.Ecenrode and Wheatcroft def. Strehlowand Fredrickson 6-2, 6-1; Cotter and Mersereau (Heid) def. Enokawa and Borner 8-1; Casey Scott and Emily Hall (Heid) def. Dore and Feix 8-1.Heidelberg boys 7, Wiesbaden 2 Sean Conderman (Heid) def. Evin Alarilla 6-0, 6-2; Darien Ward (Heid) def. Arman Alarilla 8-2; Jon Stephens (Heid) def. Tahji Peebles 8-0; Jeffrey Holt (Wies) def. Andrew Stephens 8-6; Ian Connors (Heid) def. Mario DaLaGuardia 8-1; Trent Floyd (Heid) Brian Byrd 8-6; Conderman/Ward def. Pebbles/A. Alarilla 6-3,6-1; Alarilla E. and Holt def. J. Stephens and A. Stephens 8-5; Floyd and Connors def. DaLaGuardia and Byrd 8-1.
Bamberg at HohenfelsBamberg girls 8, Hohenfels 1Sofia Engel (Bamb) def. Casey Leon 6-4, 6-4; Charlotte Woods (Bamb) def. Alicia Moczynski 8-4; Ana Crum (Bamb) def. Katie Siegel 8-2; Amanda Biggins (Bamb) def. Courtney Borg 8-1; Woods and Crum (Hoh) def. Leon and Moczynski 6-1, 6-1; Biggins and Streker def. Siegel and Borg 8-3.Bamberg boys 8, Hohenfels 1 Rene Bourgeois (Hoh) def. Andy Kim 6-4, 5-7, 6-4; David Cormier (Bamb) def. Andy Mulvihill 8-6; Trevor Calahan (Bamb) def. Matt Fisher 8-1; Cormier/Calahan def. Bourgeois and Mulvihill 4-6, 7-6, 6-2.
Patch at VilseckVilseck girls 6, Patch 3 Amber Hendricks (Vils) def. Giselle Wagstaff 6-1, 6-1; Leah Beilhart (Vils) def. Madison Frink 8-5; Donna Smales (Pat) def. Sara Carriker 9-8 (7-1); Emma Andrews (Vils) def. Madeleine Pastore 8-1; Tekeha Turner (Vils) def. Bianca Etheridge 8-0; Holly Martin (Pat) def. Ashlia Hendricks 8-1; Frink and Smales def. A.Hendricks and Beilhart def. 7-6 (7-3), 6-4; Carriker and Andrews def. Wagstaff and Pastore 8-5; Turner and Ash.Hendrick def. Martin and Brilakis 8-3.Patch boys 8, Vilseck 1 Zack Skells (Pat) def. Patrick Smith 6-1, 6-2; Jacob Schoonover (Past) def. Jake Skells 8-1; Jon Lightner (Pat) def. Darren Eldredge 8-5; Kevin Smith (Pat) def. Garrett Young 8-6; Charlie Schoonover (Pat) def. Dominik Lonowski 8-0; Robert Paxton (Pat) def. Willie Gray 8-0; ; J.Schoonover and Lightner def. Young and Eldridge 6-2, 6-0; Skells and Skells def. K. Smith and P. Smith 8-2; C.Schoonover and Paxton def. Lonowski and D. Driscoll 8-1.
Aviano, Florence and Milan at Vicenza Cancelled, rain.
BFA at MannheimNo report received.
AOSR, Marymount and Sigonellaat Naples No report received.
Golf(Individual scoring is modified Stableford, awarding 1 points for double bogey, 2 for bogey, 3 for par, 4 for birdie and 6 for eagle or ace. Team scores are combined top 4 boys and top 2 girls)
Heidelberg (Friday)
BoysTeam scoring—Patch 115, Heidelberg 93, Vilseck 39, Bamberg incomplete.Individuals—1, Ryan Brady (Pat) 37; 2, Make Baltich (Heid) 33; 3, Christian Jarrard (Pat) 30 ; 4, Jack Cannon (Heid) 25; 5, (tie) William Nakajo (Pat) and Travis Skinner (Patch) 24 each.Closest to the pin—Jason Roberts (Vils); longest drive—Jarrard.
GirlsTeam scoring—Heidelberg 36, Vilseck 34, Patch and Bamberg incomplete.Individuals—1, Stevi Hood (Vils) 21; 2, Mellisa Guelle (Heid) 18; 3, Sarah Fowler (Heid) 14.Closest to the pin—Hood; longest drive—none.