Cross CountryAt Gosser Memorial Golf CourseMisawa Air Base, JapanFinal team standingsClass AA1, Seoul American; 2, Kadena, Okinawa; 3, Nile C. Kinnick, Japan; 4, Kubasaki, Okinawa; 5, Yokota, Japan; 6, Guam High; Zama American, Japan, incomplete team.Class A1, Robert D. Edgren, Japan; 2, Osan American, South Korea; 3, E.J. King, Japan; Matthew C. Perry, Japan, and Daegu American, South Korea, incomplete teams.Team relayClass AATeam scores1, Seoul American, 19; 2, Kadena, Okinawa, 30; 3, Kubasaki, Okinawa, 61; 4, Yokota, Japan, 70 (won tiebreaker); 5, Nile C. Kinnick, Japan, 70; 6, Guam High, 81; Zama American, Japan, incomplete team.Individual results 1, Patrick Edwards and Chasity Cordova, Kadena, 38 minutes, 47 seconds; 2, Allie McCormick and Josh Ecker, Seoul, 39:15; 3, Dorothy Krebill and Thomas Kim, Seoul, 39:21; 4, Jacob Bishop and Cassie McDonald, Kadena, 39:21; 5, Pam Code and Sean Kincaid, Seoul 39:37; 6, Will Trauffler and Nadine Mulvany, Kinnick, 39:58; 7, Kaleka Mobley and Trey Sauls, Yokota, 40:34; 8, David Krievs and Brittany Evans, Kinnick, 40:42; 9, Rachel Perry and Aris Wilkins, Seoul, 40:54; 10, Nicole Solomonson and Jake Kail, Seoul, 40:54.Class ATeam scores1, Robert D. Edgren, Japan, 8; 2, Osan American, South Korea, 14; 3, E.J. King, Japan, 33; Daegu American, South Korea, and Matthew C. Perry, Japan, incomplete teams.Individual results 1, David Blevins and Angel Lemen, Edgren, 41 minutes, 4 seconds; 2, Kimberly Boucher and Brian Raab, Osan, 42:18; 3, Jacob Sterry and Tiffany Brinkerhoff, Edgren, 42:23; 4, Diante Edwards and Audrey Haltli, Edgren, 43:46; 5, Sonia Downey and Jacob Davis, Osan, 44:15; 6, Russell Haltli and Jordan Schwartz, Edgren, 44:57; 7, Andrea Duffield and Joseph Duskie, Osan, 46:25; 8, Christina Yim and Joseph Shin, Osan, 47:14; 9, Rebecca Hansen and Joseph Arnold, Osan, 47:16; 10, Kevin Drake and Yuke Gooding, E.J. King, 48:11.TennisAt Risner Tennis ComplexKadena Air Base, OkinawaBoys singlesFirst round John Bogen, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Michael Chaney, Matthew C. Perry, 8-2.Shuji Miller, Yokota, def. Aaron San Nicolas, Guam High, 8-3.Abe Nelson, Seoul American, def. Tyler Myers-Gillies, Zama American, 9-8 (tiebreaker score unavailable).Zach Spaduzzi, Robert D. Edgren, def. Dylan Stewart, Osan American, 8-2.Patrick Buehl, Daegu American, def. Robert Melvin, Zama American, 9-7.Brandon McNutt, E.J. King, def. Shingo Douglass, Kubasaki, 8-1.Eliott Mason, Kadena, def. Isaac Rodd, Robert D. Edgren, 8-1.Great Hord, Yokota, def. Jung Uk Sin, Osan American, 8-5.Second round Kyle Sprow, Kadena, def. Bogen 8-0.Miller def. Alex Puyot, E.J. King, 8-4.Nelson def. Jared Knox, Kubasaki, 9-8 (tiebreaker score unavailable).Russel Midomaru, Daegu American, def. Spaduzzi 8-2.Chong Lee, Seoul American, def. Buehl 8-3.Andre Bugawan, Matthew C. Perry, def. McNutt 8-3.Mason def. Steven Iglesias, Guam High, 8-0.Jay Pothula, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Hord 8-3.Quarterfinals Sprow def. Miller 8-0.Midomaru def. Nelson 8-1.Bugawan def. Lee 8-6.Mason def. Pothula 8-2.Girls singlesFirst round Amy Kim, Daegu American, def. Arisa Hirashima, Nile C. Kinnick, 8-2.Melissa Bruhnke, Seoul American, def. Brittany Trefurt, Guam High, 8-3.Rebekah Harwell, Matthew C. Perry, def. Soyeon Benton, Osan American, 8-4.Carrie Waltemeyer, Zama American, def. Chandra Melillo, Robert D. Edgren, 8-6.Second roundKennedy Allen, Seoul American, def. Tammi Ragan, Kubasaki, 8-1.Amber Gadsden, Guam High, def. Elisha Nicholas, Zama American, 8-3.Joni Fatora, E.J. King, def. Jennifer Brent, Robert D. Edgren, 8-4.Kate Mooney, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Victoria Lagat, Daegu American, 8-3.Cait Frandsen, Kubasaki, def. Kim 8-5.Bruhnke def. Bria Smith, E.J. King, 8-2.Harwell def. Aoi Karino, Yokota, 8-6.Elissa Mason, Kadena, def. Waltemeyer 8-1.QuarterfinalsAllen def. Gadsden 8-3.Fatora def. Mooney 8-6.Frandsen def. Bruhnke 9-7.Mason def. Harwell 8-0.Boys doublesFirst round Brandon Lumaban and Omar Yukesl, Yokota, def. Anthony Ryan and Andrew Canady, E.J. King, 8-4.Russel Midomaru and Patrick Buehl, Daegu American, def. Isaac Rodd and Mister Murphy, Robert D. Edgren, 8-0.Erik Kuster and Dustin Caranci, Osan American, def. Christian DiScala and Ben Grondin, Kubasaki, 8-5.Eric Rice and Bryan Roche, Kadena, def. Austen San Nicolas and James Cornell, Guam High, 8-0.Jared Knox and Shingo Douglass, Kubasaki, def. Dylan Stewart and Jung Uk Sin, Osan American, 8-2.Chong Lee and Abe Nelson, Seoul American, def. Angel Freden and Michael O’Halloran, Matthew C. Perry, 9-0.Alex Puyot and Brandon McNutt, E.J. King, def. Patrick Perez and Nate Rivera, Nile C. Kinnick, 8-3.Sam No and Justin Oh, Daegu American, def. Abrahamson and Tyler Myers-Gillies, Zama American, 8-4.Second roundMichael Ross and Jay Han, Seoul American, def. Lumaban and Yukesl 8-1.Midomaru and Buehl def. Robert Melvin and Nick Jorgenson, Zama American, 8-2.Andre Bugawan and Michael Chaney, Matthew C. Perry, def. Kuster and Caranci 8-2.Jay Pothula and John Bogen, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Rice and Roche 8-5.Knox and Douglass def. Shuji Miller and Great Hord, Yokota, 8-3.Lee and Nelson def. Steven Iglesias and Aaron San Nicolas, Guam High, 8-0.Zach Spaduzzi and Charles Artiles, Robert D. Edgren, def. Puyot and McNutt 8-4.Kyle Sprow and Eliott Mason, Kadena, def. No and Oh 8-2.QuarterfinalSprow and Mason def. Spaduzzi and Artiles 8-0.Girls doublesFirst round Jamilliah Gomez and Emmy Leming, Matthew C. Perry, def. Katelyn White and Misa Brophy, Yokota, 8-3.Megan Roy and Katelynn Knox, Kubasaki, def. Jennifer Brent and Chandra Melillo, Robert D. Edgren, 8-3.Carrie Waltemeyer and Tomoko Inoue, Zama American, def. Amy Kim and Victoria Lagat, Daegu American, 8-6.Katie Mundie and Christin Gentz, Kadena, def. Soyeon Benton and Hannah Moon, Osan American, 8-1.Kate Mooney and Christine Bolduc, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Ashley Felipe and Bridgit Fatora, E.J. King, 8-5.Geraldine Nicdao and Elisha Nicolas, Zama American, def. Jenny Mullinax and Karen Ishikawa, Robert D. Edgren, 8-0.Kennedy Allen and Melissa Bruhnke, Seoul American, def. Aoi Karino and Regina McDaniel, Yokota, 8-1.Betty Lee and Jennifer Clark, Daegu American, def. Brittany Trefurt and Caitlin Lawson, Guam High, 8-3.Second round Teressa Kim and Alice Kim, Seoul American, def. Gomez and Leming 9-7.Amber Gadsden and Christina Payne, Guam High, def. Roy and Knox 8-1.Arisa Hirashima and Chelsea Keolanui-Wilson, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Waltemeyer and Inoue 9-8 (7-5).Bria Smith and Joni Fatora, E.J. King, def. Mundie and Gentz 8-5.Cait Frandsen and Tammi Ragan, Kubasaki, def. Mooney and Bolduc 8-2.Elissa Mason and Ashley Grugin, Kadena, def. Nicdao and Nicolas 8-5.Allen and Bruhnke def. La’Shea Redick and Rebekah Harwell, Matthew C. Perry, 8-5.Laura Konecne and Hanna Sparks, Osan American, def. Lee and Clark 8-2.QuarterfinalFrandsen and Ragan def. Mason and Grugin 8-4.Mixed doublesFirst round Tomoko Inoue and Nick Jorgenson, Zama American, def. Charles Artiles and Karen Ishikawa, Robert D. Edgren, 8-3.Eric Rice and Christin Gentz, Kadena, def. Andrew Canady and Bridgit Fatora, E.J. King, 8-1.Christian DiScala and Katelynn Knox, Kubasaki, def. Angel Freden and Emmy Leming, Matthew C. Perry, 8-4.Austen San Nicolas and Christina Payne, Guam High, def. Erik Kuster and Hanna Sparks, Osan American, 8-1.Justin Oh and Jennifer Clark, Daegu American, def. Anthony Ryan and Ashley Felipe, score unavailable.Jay Han and Alice Kim, Seoul American, def. Megan Roy and Ben Grondin, Kubasaki, 8-5.Nate Rivera and Christine Bolduc, Nile C. Kinnick, def. Michael Chaney and Jamilliah Gomez, Matthew C. Perry, 8-4.Jared Cornell and Caitlin Lawson, Guam High, def. Katelyn White and Omar Yukesl, Yokota, 8-6.Second roundMichael Ross and Teressa Kim, Seoul American, def. Inoue and Jorgenson 8-5.Rice and Gentz def. Sam No and Betty Lee, Daegu American, 8-0.DiScalia and Knox def. Patrick Perez and Chelsea Keolanui-Wilson, Nile C. Kinnick, 8-5.San Nicolas and Payne def. Misa Brophy and Brandon Lumaban, Yokota, 8-6.Laura Konecne and Dustin Caranci, Osan American, def. Oh and Clark 8-3.Han and Kim def. Geraldine Nicdao and Abrahamson, Zama American, 8-6.Rivera and Bolduc def. Mister Murphy and Jenny Mullinax, Robert D. Edgren, 8-3.Bryan Roche and Katie Mundie, Kadena, def. Cornell and Lawson 8-5.Class AA Volleyball At Guam High School, Agana Heights, and Coral Reef Fitness & Sports Center, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam:TuesdayDivision play resultsGold Division George Washington, Guam 3-1American School In Japan 2-2Notre Dame, Guam 2-2Southern, Guam 1-3Tuesday’s scores Notre Dame 25-16, Southern 13-25Notre Dame 25-24, ASIJ 14-25GW 25-19, ASIJ 22-25GW 25-25, Southern 22-21Silver Division Faith Academy, Philippines 3-1Christian Academy In Japan 3-1Seoul American 2-2John F. Kennedy, Guam 0-4Tuesday’s scoresFaith 25-25, JFK 21-21Faith 25-24, CAJ 11-25CAJ 25-25, Seoul 12-18Seoul 25-25, JFK 19-20Bronze DivisionNile C. Kinnick, Japan 3-1St. John’s, Guam 3-1Academy of Our Lady of Guam 1-3Seisen International, Japan 1-3Tuesday’s scoresAcademy 25-22, Kinnick 15-25St. John’s 25-25, Academy 23-23St. John’s 25-14, Seisen 13-25Kinnick 25-25, Seisen 11-10Copper DivisionZama American, Japan 7-1Simon Sanchez, Guam 5-1Yokota, Japan 2-2Kubasaki, Okinawa 2-4Guam High 1-5Kadena, Okinawa 1-5Tuesday’s scoresSanchez 25-21, Kubasaki 21-25Zama 25-25, Yokota 14-22Guam High 25-21, Kadena 12-25Zama 25-20, Kubasaki 22-25Sanchez 25-25, Kadena 20-9Zama 25-25, Guam High 20-16Yokota 25-25, Kubasaki 19-23Zama 25-25, Kadena 19-22Sanchez 25-25, Guam High 15-20Class A VolleyballAt Kelly Fitness and Sports Center, Camp Walker, and Daegu American School, Daegu, South Korea:Final pool-play standingsPool A Int’l School of the Sacred Heart, Japan 5-0Daegu American, South Korea 3-2Korea International 3-2Robert D. Edgren, Japan 2-3Matthew C. Perry, Japan 2-3Int’; Christian-Uijongbu, S. Korea 0-5Tuesday’s scoresISSH def. Edgren 25-21, 25-13, 25-16Daegu def. KIS 22-25, 25-21, 25-12, 27-25ISSH def. M.C. Perry 25-9, 25-20, 21-25, 25-15KIS def. Edgren 24-26, 25-18, 18-25, 25-21, 15-13ISSH def. ICS-U 25-12, 25-20, 25-13Edgren def. Perry 13-25, 25-22, 25-22, 25-22Daegu def. ICS-U 25-7, 25-21, 25-16Pool BOsan American, South Korea 5-0Morrison Christian Academy, Taiwan 4-1Okinawa Christian International 3-2Yongsan International-Seoul 2-3E.J. King, Japan 1-4Global Visions Christian, S. Korea 0-5Tuesday’s scoresOCSI def. YIS-Seoul 24-26, 20-25, 25-22, 25-21, 15-13Osan def. Morrison 25-21, 28-26, 25-16OCSI def. E.J. King 20-25, 25-20, 25-13, 25-20Morrison def. YIS-Seoul 25-18, 25-12, 25-12OCSI def. GVCS 25-9, 25-15, 25-18YIS-Seoul def. E.J. King 25-14, 26-24, 25-14Osan def. GVCS 25-16, 25-9, 25-9Wednesday’s matches(to seed teams into double-elimination tournament)At Kelly Fitness and Sports CenterICS-U vs. GVCS, 9 a.m.M.C. Perry vs. E.J. King, 10:30 a.m.Edgren vs. YIS-Seoul, noonKIS vs. OCSI, 1:30 p.m.Daegu vs. Morrison, 3 p.m.ISSH vs. Osan, 4:30 p.m.