High school
BasketballBoysWiesbaden 41, Black Forest Academy 32Friday at WiesbadenWiesbaden....... 4 6 11 20 - 41BFA ....... 4 9 8 11 - 32Scoring - Wiesabaden: Gary Miskovsky 11, John Arnold 8, Andrew Murray 7; BFA - Josiah Kelley 10, Anthony Purpero 9, Joseph Leavitt 6. Notworthy - Wiesabaden's Murray had 18 rebounds and Moskovsky had 6 rebounds and 6 blocks. Kelsey Thomas had 5 assists.
Heidelberg 74, Kaiserslautern 70Friday at HeidelbergKaiserslautern ....... 11 21 20 18—70Heidelberg ....... 16 15 24 19—74Scoring — Kaiserslautern: Derryck Scarvers 27, Lorenzo Williams 16, Andy Stern 9, Caleb Chastain 8, Quentin Whitfield 6, James Bradley 4; Heidelberg: Marcel Simon 26, Wayne Dawkins 12, Kevin Gray 11, Mezzan El Sayed 10, Jacob Parsons 7, Maurice Simon 6, Michael Pons 2
Patch 64, Ramstein 58Friday at StuttgartRamstein ....... 17 12 16 13—58Patch....... 16 17 16 15—64Leading scorers — Ramstein: DeVonte’ Allen 21, James Cho 16; Patch: Stefon McLean-Burke 19, Kris German 17
St. Aidan’s 58, Menwith Hill 38Friday at Menwith HillSt. Aidan’s .......10 16 18 14—58Menwith Hill....... 9 12 6 11—38Leading scorers — St. Aidan’s: Collin Saxon 14, Joe Havercroft 12, Jordan Guy 11, John King 6, Alex Tuddenham 6, Will Hebblerthwaite 5, Matthew Briggs 2, Jordan Taylor 2; Menwith Hill: Schuyler Backlar 24, Damon Morris 4, Chuckie Reuss 4, Ryan Reers 3, Ben Milam 2, Aidan Conner 1Noteworthy — Backlar led team with 11 rebounds; his teammate Adrian Knight grabbed 9, according to Menwith Hill coach Greg DeJardin.
Ansbach 42, Bamberg 34Friday at AnsbachScore by quarters unavailableLeading scorers — Bamberg: Terry Williams 10, Tresman Foster 10; Ansbach: Mikael Vicente 13, Derrick Flake 7
GirlsWiesbaden 32, Black Forest Academy 19Friday at WiesbadenWiesbaden ....... 7 9 8 8 - 32BFA ....... 6 7 3 3 - 19Scoring - Wiesabaden, Michelle Schonberg 8, Andrea Arnold 7, Kirsten Velsvaag 6; BFA - Elyssa Brauer 4, Amy Dominguez 4. Noteworthy - Schonberg and Arnold each had 4 rebounds for the Lady Warriors. Phylecia Faublas had 4 steals.
Heidelberg 38, Kaiserlautern 36Friday at HeidelbergKaiserslautern ....... 5 9 6 16—36Heidelberg ....... 14 6 14 4—38Scoring — Kaiserslautern: Jada Perry 12, Medina Gregory 11, Denicya Canton 6, Martha Bonilla 5, Angela Powell 2; Heidelberg: Rebecca Luna 17, Kylee Miller 7, Infinity Baisden 4, Marlowe Muehlbauer 4, Aileen Donnelly 2, Christina Muehlbauer 2
Patch 71, Ramstein 62Friday at StuttgartRamstein....... 16 17 10 19—62Patch ....... 11 18 19 23—71Scoring leaders — Ramstein: Mackenzie Crews 24, Jasmine Young 12, Samia Ladner 9, Kateri Goldammer 9; Patch: Janelle Loney 30, Johanna Quinn 21, Rebecca Hess 9, Sydney Baer 8
St. Aidan’s 28, Menwith Hill 14Friday at Menwith HillSt. Aidan’s ....... 9 9 5 5—28Menwith Hill .......6 2 4 2—14Leading scorers—St. Aidan’s: Allison Mailloux 12, Christy Brown 6, Laura Woodbridge 4; Menwith Hill: Brittany Dixon 10, Arielle Rogers 4Noteworthy — Breanna Rogers led Menwith Hill with 4 rebounds, sand Brittany Dixon made 3 steals and a block.
Ansbach 45, Bamberg 20Friday at AnsbachBamberg ....... 0 7 11 2—20Ansbach....... 11 7 10 17—45Leading scorers — Bamberg: Loleen Tomokawe 7, Vanessa Sanders 5, Tiana Bowen 4, Jamilah Lanbet 4; Ansbach: Alyssa Solis 15, Katryna Galvez 9, Lauren Finley 8Noteworthy — According to Ansbach coach Maricela Paniagua, Solis led her team with 18 rebounds; her teammate Finley pulled off 5 steals. Paniagua reported 6 rebounds and 4 steals for Bamberg’s Sanders and 2 assists and 4 steals for Bowen.
SHAPE 41, Baumholder 26Friday at BaumholderSHAPE ....... 13 8 10 10—41Baumholder ....... 3 7 8 8—26Leading scorers — SHAPE: Teresa Muldoon 14, Gina Rhett 12, Kearstin Wainwright 12; Baumholder: Dionna Marcus 18, Kyana Milo 4, Tiffany Real 2. Noteworthy — According to Baumholder coach Carter Hollenbeck, Rhett canned 3 treys and pulled off 4 steals. Jamie Gamboa made 6 steals for SHAPE, which got 3 steals from Karoline Sorensen. Marcus stole the ball 7 times for Baumholder; Milo pulled off 3 swipes.