Rep. Patrick Murphy speaks to a constituent at a job fair in Pennsylvania in July 2010. (Courtesy of Rep. Patrick Murphy)
Candidate name: Rep. Patrick Murphy Party affiliation: DemocratDistrict: Pennsylvania's 8th District Map: Toss up
Military experience: Army, 1996 to 2005Overseas experience: Iraq, 2003 to 2004Service rank: Captain (retired)
Opponent: Mike FitzpatrickMilitary experience: noneIncumbent: Patrick Murphy
Murphy campaign web siteFitzpatrick campaign web site
From his web site: Murphy, on veterans -- The men and women of our armed services devote their lives to serving our great nation. As a nation, one of the best ways to recognize and honor their service is to provide them with the resources they need and the opportunities they deserve. We have a responsibility to those who protect us, and it is a responsibility we must not neglect. ... Especially now, during a time of war, we must move beyond the partisan gridlock and do everything we can to fight for those who have defended our freedom while wearing the uniform of the United States.
-- Complied by Leo Shane III