Candidate name: Andrew "Rocky" RaczkowskiParty affiliation: Republican District: Michigan's 9thDistrict Map: Leaning Democratic
Military experience: Army, 1985-2009Overseas experience: Horn of Africa, 2009Service rank: Major (retired)
Opponent: Gary PetersMilitary experience: Navy Reserve, 12 yearsIncumbent: Gary Peters
Raczkowski campaign web sitePeters campaign web site
From his web site: Raczkowski, on national defense -- This is no time for defeatist talk. Political rhetoric that this war is lost and that its mission is pointless serves only to empower and embolden the terrorists, and also to deeply and powerfully harm the morale of our troops, impairing their ability to accomplish their mission. This rhetoric is irresponsible and does not reflect the voice of the citizens of our 9th District. Rocky’s plan for dealing with the war and the terrorist threat includes: Rooting out terrorist activity wherever it exists; Standing tall with our men and women in the military and making certain that they have the equipment, means and support necessary to accomplish their mission; Re-establishing our dominance in the world intelligence community; and making realistic adjustments to troop deployment – taking our guidance from our top military advisors first and politicians last.
-- Complied by Leo Shane III