So let me see if I understand this: The Defense Department is proposing to let people who choose to live a homosexual lifestyle serve “openly” in the armed forces (per the Dec. 2 article “DADT study group: Full integration is best”), but won’t allow Christians such as myself the freedom to “openly” share the good news of Christ with our co-workers — as the faith we’ve chosen requires?
DOD officials plan to tell servicemembers who have a problem with those living a homosexual lifestyle to “learn to deal with it,” but they are prepared to counsel and/or slap Christians with paperwork if someone feels “offended” by our witness? Wearing sexual lifestyle choices on your sleeve is OK, but not your faith?
Military chaplains who teach that homosexuality is antithetical to and incompatible with Christianity (which it is) can either muzzle their objections or “leave,” but gays will be permitted to parade their lifestyle choices in front of all?
Bottom line: So I’m free to express myself if I’m a homosexual, but not if I’m a Christian? What disgraceful hypocrisy.
Here’s the truth: I will continue to witness to who I want, when I want and where I want. My commitment to my God supersedes my commitment to the DOD and, if officials are upset about that, then I guess they can “learn to deal with it.”
Department of Defense? More like the Department of Double Standards.
Lt. Col. Stacy L. Maxey
Repeal must bring same rights
Included in any repeal implementation of “don’t ask, don’t tell” should be provisions to provide to homosexual servicemembers the same benefits received by heterosexual servicemembers. The relationship does not need to be classified as a marriage in the Defense Department documents. As long as the couple has proof that they were legally joined in a state when that state allowed homosexual unions, then they should be recognized for any benefit normally defined as a benefit for spouses. To do any less discredits the value of their service as being equal to that of their heterosexual counterparts and is contrary to the whole reason behind the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
As for single-soldier housing, it would be a logistical nightmare to have four separate facilities. So every opportunity should be given to soldiers required to live with a roommate for that assignment to be mutually agreed upon by both parties, when this is feasible. In other situations, command decisions should be made that best protect the rights of all individuals involved.
As for all other issues, the military has adequate sexual harassment and anti-discrimination policies in effect.
Chief Warrant Officer 3 David T. Woodward
Camp Taji, Iraq
Survey not a true assessment
The military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” survey was flawed from the very start and the results should be discarded. An independent contractor should administer the survey.
Both the president and the Congress, under which the survey was conducted, have voiced strong opinions regarding “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Therefore, the Pentagon had a conflict of interest in administering the survey.
Finally, servicemembers were all well aware of the political leanings of their civilian leadership.
These factors together make the results of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” survey invalid. If Congress and the Pentagon are serious about wanting to know how the troops feel, then they need to provide for a survey free of bias and influence.
Cmdr. Brian Schafer
Landstuhl, Germany