I hear where the writer of "DFAC meat market?" (letter, Feb. 19) is coming from. The ogling happens far too much.
I myself am an extremely handsome man and have been told so by my mother, wife and other assorted females. I often walk into the chow hall and catch women undressing me with their eyes. Sometimes I feel like saying, "Hey ladies, my eyes are up here!" I also find myself taking my chow back to the office and eating in a dark room while crying.
I am a soldier in uniform, and though I carry a weapon like the next soldier, I often come across compliments — strike that — sexually vulgar innuendos aimed at me. What am I to do? I am only a 6-foot-4, 240-pound brickhouse with features carved out of marble by the gods themselves. I work hard to keep myself in shape and enjoy wearing tight-fitting clothes that accentuate my muscular build. It takes me 20 minutes a day to manscape my face so that I look hotter than the next dude.
I don’t do this for the attention; I do it for personal pleasure, to prove to myself that I am better and prettier than those around me, but I don’t want other people to notice this.
I have a solution to the problem: I suggest we put blinders on all of the women on base. That, or not allow women to join the military. Then it’s just us dudes again, man; men complimenting men on their physical fitness. Then we could walk around with our shirts off all the time and not feel threatened by the overly aggressive woman the military seems to foster.
Dudes! Just dudes, no women. That is the military I would like to serve in.
Still hanging in the meat market.
Sgt. William K. LeeCamp Arifjan, Kuwait