What would be the big deal if homosexuals are allowed to be open about who they are?
It isn’t like repealing the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy means they will automatically have to say they are homosexual — some people might still not want to tell. But at least it gives them the chance to be free to be whom they are without repercussion.
I guarantee people in the military are working with, or worked next to, someone who is gay and didn’t even know it.
To all those people against repealing "don’t ask, don’t tell": Your arguments are the exact same arguments that were used to try and keep blacks from being integrated and women from serving.
As we have seen, those arguments were proven wrong.
Today’s military can handle someone being openly homosexual.
Other arguments are just as invalid or ridiculous, such as a female Marine reportedly stating "bunking with a lesbian is like bunking with a man." Really? Yes that is exactly the same thing.
Or I read someone was worried about getting HIV/AIDS if a gay person was shot and bled next to him. (Yes, because straight people never contract HIV.) Give me a break. I will tell you right now you are not that irresistible to the same or opposite sex.
I am a heterosexual female — does that mean I am attracted to every single male on the planet? No.
This policy is antiquated and long overdue to be repealed. If you can’t handle being around someone who is homosexual, you have your own issue to deal with.
There are good soldiers being kicked out of the Army while worthless soldiers are allowed to stay in.
I don’t care if you are white, black, gay, straight, Muslim, Christian … that has no bearing on what makes an excellent soldier or a substandard one.
Staff Sgt. Kelly CalderFort Meade, Md.