
“Sowing the seeds of extremism in the U.S.,” (Opinion, George Curry, April 6) cites facts (that are not facts at all) about what happened on the Mall in Washington, D.C., as “evidence” there is a connection between the wacko, so-called “Christian militia” and tea party protesters.

[Even though] there were cameras and microphones, there is no evidence of racist remarks by tea party protesters against black congressmen. Further, there is no evidence that the guy who directed slurs at Barney Frank had any affiliation with the tea party movement.

To say that all of this is an example of the growth of right-wing extremism is to miss the point of the tea party. Leftist media would like Americans to believe the tea party movement is racist, but it is not. Tea stands for “taxed enough already” and is a warning to Congress that many Americans believe the government needs to be more responsible with our tax money. We intend to hold elected representatives accountable for the way they spend our tax dollars. Curry connects the tea party movement to “an angry backlash against non-white immigration … the economic meltdown and the climb to power of an African-American president.”

Speaking for myself, color has nothing to do with my attraction to the tea party movement. I don’t know what color George Curry is, but I can tell a lot about his motives by the way he uses unproven accusations to come to his conclusions. Allowing people like Curry to advance their liberal agenda demeans your newspaper and increases the probability that you will go the way of other useless print media. Focus on the facts and stop engaging in hyperbole and illogical accusations. You only contribute to the frustration and increase the likelihood of turning a peaceful tax protest into a racial standoff.

Chief Master Sgt. Ronald A. Woodward (retired)Nine Mile Falls, Wash.

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