
It’s encouraging to see an increased emphasis [on the Year of the Air Force Family]. However, being overseas poses some unique challenges to families. I can only hope that the Air Force leadership recognizes these, too.

Deployments: Deployments from overseas locations are very stressful on families. Could the Air Force consider leveling the playing field for those who deploy more than others? Would it be possible to count each month of deployment as a month toward a remote tour?Child care: Where manning is continually low at Child Development centers, would it be possible to look into converting positions to local nationals? Would offering bonuses for new CDC employees who work six, 12, etc. months at the CDC improve continuity?Driver’s licensing: Many installations offer motorcycle licensing. Where family members arrive without a driver’s license, would it be possible to offer the driver’s license courses (to avoid a trip back to the States)?Nonappropriated Fund spouse employment: Where many NAF positions have a high turnover rate, would it be possible to look at combining the numerous part-time positions that have no benefits to full-time positions with benefits?Internships: At bases where there are hundreds of spouses seeking employment, could the civilian personnel office promote Air Force intern programs such as Palace Acquire and Copper Cap?Education: Where there are limited degrees offered at overseas installations, would it be possible for education centers to periodically query communities on programs desired and promote partnerships with colleges to offer the programs desired (versus leaving this up to the on-base colleges)?Health care: Instead of getting up early when we are ill to access the base appointment line (fewer health care choices overseas), couldn’t a percentage of appointments be available via Tricare online at all installations?Gregory P. SimonAviano Air Base, Italy

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