Trijicon has been making optics with Bible references on them since the company began ("Bible verses on rifle sights," article, Jan. 20). The company founder is probably a Christian. So now someone has suggested we are to punish his free choice of religion by not buying his products ("Freeze Trijicon contracts," letter, Jan. 21).
This is really just another attempt by an anti-Christian to suppress that religion any way he can. Would this be tolerated against any other religion or group? Has the letter writer ever looked at his money? It says "In God We Trust." Maybe he should never use the American dollar again; it could be a plot, too.
Let us not use it to build schools, to pay our allies in Afghanistan or Iraq. Perhaps we should ban religious symbols that soldiers wear and not allow them to worship in theater, because those are policies the Taliban would endorse.
There is no crusade, and no eradication [of Islam] has ever happened on the part of U.S. forces in this war. The people of Iraq and Afghanistan know this. I am a taxpayer and a soldier, too. An abbreviated reference to the Bible isn’t proselytizing. Support Trijicon and the freedom to choose what you want to believe in.
Master Sgt. Scott K. DavisTallil, Iraq