Regarding Sarah Palin: In today’s society, freedom of speech has led some to believe that exercising that right comes without repercussions.
This has led to an onslaught of unruly Americans criticizing our government, our failing economy, our nation’s jobless rate and, most notoriously, slandering our fallen heroes in their final hour. Odd how these same critics never seem to have the solutions for what irks them.
Palin has become her very own reality show. She has somehow managed to regain the spotlight, all the while berating the president of the United States to the tune of $50,000-$100,000 per lecture. Not a bad day’s work considering she quit her last job.
Remember that part, people. She quit her job as governor of the largest state in our nation. It seems when things got "heated" amid questions of her experience and certain family matters (daughter unwed, pregnant), Palin took the high road and deserted the thousands of Alaskans who went to the polls, post offices and libraries to vote her into office. She reciprocates by resigning two years early to essentially and very lucratively mock our head of state. Politics for profit?
As Palin continues to go rogue, Americans need to remember this woman could have been our vice president. Were anything to happen to our top executive, she would have become commander in chief of this great nation.
Would she be able to handle our two ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the unemployment situation, the auto industry crisis, health care, welfare and control gas prices, or would she quit?
Charles WilliamsCamp Virginia, Kuwait