I hesitate to really believe that a liberal of any stripe can learn a useful lesson, but I am hoping the embarrassing Olympics fiasco in Copenhagen serves the president well in the future and that he stays in the White House where he belongs, rather than cavorting his “rock star” status all over creation for blatant political purposes.
Here is another elected leftist who irresponsibly and freely spends other people’s money — that of the Saudis, the Chinese, the rich, and worst of all, the future generations of young and yet-unborn Americans — to advance yet another liberal foray into big government as the solution to America’s problems. It isn’t, as we can see with Medicare’s woes, the massive deficit, and runaway unemployment.
Government-run health care? As a retiree, I am lucky these days to be able to see a physician’s assistant or a nurse. Doctor? Forget it.
While this president is humming and obfuscating, we have a government that spends like there is no tomorrow and gives unconscionable pay raises to government employees while missing tax revenues from the aforementioned millions of unemployed.
And where is our “leadership” to be found when not in Denmark? On David Letterman’s show, seeking another feel-good moment with another arrogant liberal also better suited for another job.
Maj. David B. Hamilton (retired)Heidelberg, Germany