I must adamantly say that this is oh-so-wrong (“Amenities at Afghan bases are facing cuts,” article, Oct. 30)!
Morale, Welfare and Recreation plays such an important and vital role in our military communities worldwide. Our soldiers work day and night under austere conditions, whether on post or in the field, and they need a place to relax and distract their minds from the stress of the mission. They have all earned the honors and should be rewarded accordingly.
Home is where the heart is and MWR brings this home to all our military members and their families. It’s a given that we cannot fund every military site and, for some, MWR facilities will not be available. But we find a way to bring them a little bit of home. It may not be much, but every small effort of “heart and home” that we can provide will be well worth the effort — physically, mentally, psychologically.
MWR is a great medical treatment for body and mind. To take away any part of an MWR facility is to deny our freedom fighters their just deserts, a chance to collect their thoughts and gain composure so they will be rejuvenated and ready for any mission. I believe if we take this matter to the American people, they would, without a doubt, vote for keeping all MWR programs.
Military personnel give to America — America gives back through MWR. I am retired Air Force, and in my 22 years have seen the positive influence MWR has on all customers. MWR is a much-needed program for all our freedom fighters and should be supported by all enlisted, officers, government representatives and the American people.
Let’s reward them for their efforts, not punish them.
Henry CabanForward Operating Base Warhorse, Iraq