I may be retired, but I have always held to the belief that homosexual behavior is simply immoral.
Yes, I am a Christian and believe in the Bible; however, there are many nonreligious people who hold the same view. If it is viewed as immoral by a good portion of people such as I, then, in essence, if the current policy governing homosexual behavior and acceptance of open gay relationships is ever sanctioned, then the government will be sanctioning and spending money to encourage perceived immorality.
This is not about being a homophobe. I do not judge anyone, but I think we have a responsibility to speak up on issues that affect our community, especially if it involves behavior of a sinful nature. We should love the sinner and not the sin. I have many friends who hold to the rapidly changing worldview of homosexual acceptance. What really needs to happen is they need to declare officially whether homosexual behavior is moral or immoral.
People say many homosexuals just are (that way) because they can’t change themselves and they just have too many of the opposite sex’s genes. There still has not been any proof of this and before we make any steps in changing our current laws and policies, we need to decide what is moral and what is immoral.
Also, in deciding what is moral or not, we should not throw out the Bible as a reference. After all, why wouldn’t we turn to God to find out what is moral?
Senior Chief Petty Officer Stephen Magnusson (retired)Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan