Promote technology to support veterans who have cancer, expedite their treatment

As a nation, we owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude to our veterans who have selflessly served and sacrificed to protect our freedoms. They have more than earned their right to the best possible health care. Yet, when it comes to addressing their health needs, particularly in the realm of cancer care, we often fall short. 

The Democrats are underwater, but Biden’s keeping it close

The Democrats are underwater. Alarmingly so. That’s good news for President Joe Biden.

Heat waves warrant ‘disaster’ status too

Unlike other natural disasters, extreme heat doesn’t topple buildings, flood streets or turn road signs into missiles. It doesn’t provide a dramatic backdrop for daredevil weather reporters. What it mostly does is kill people, quietly and efficiently.

Any state sanction of slap fighting leaves a mark

If you’re collecting indices on the decline of civilization, you’ll want to include this one on your list: slap fighting.

The real government conspiracy isn’t about UFOs

The truth remains that there are systematic sightings and sensor data of fast-moving entities that the government cannot explain. You don’t have to think they are space aliens to realize that they are threats to national security.

Signs of Australia’s expanding military importance

Australia is increasingly important in the growing, multifaceted contest with China. This development follows on the significant, but also little noticed, U.S. decision in 2022 to deploy up to six B-52 strategic bombers to Northern Australia.

GOP voter-ID bill is an effort to suppress the vote

House Republicans, under the guise of preventing noncitizens from voting, are promoting a new ID requirement so restrictive that it could disenfranchise untold numbers of otherwise eligible Americans this November.

Gaza pier is no more than pathetic symbolism

With respect to the Gaza pier, Biden and his successors would do well to accept that Washington can’t solve every problem and must choose judiciously where and how to intervene, and then with full commitment rather than symbolic gestures.

Don’t send US nuclear weapons to Poland or anywhere else

During the Cold War, basing U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe had a strategic rationale – to offset the advantage in conventional forces possessed by the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies. Today, that advantage has been reversed.

Europe must stop Putin’s dream of forming a rival union

Russia, China and Iran are forming a despotic triumvirate hellbent on creating a superior world order built on force, autocracy and erosion of rights. Europe must arm itself well beyond 2% NATO commitments for any sudden geopolitical shifts it remains perilously unprepared for.