I’m glad the two gay-rights activists got arrested in protesting the gay ban by handcuffing themselves to the gates, but not because they are pro-gay, but because they were doing something stupid and irresponsible ("Gay rights activists arrested after White House protest," article, March 20).
I’m tired of minority groups making the decisions for the entire country by making a show like that. The sad truth is that the majority doesn’t come out to vote against the minorities, so these fanatics get their way.
I am against homosexuality, but I’m not going to make a scene over it. It makes me think of a 3-year-old screaming because he didn’t get the toy he wanted. It’s embarrassing to watch.
I don’t feel threatened by gays working beside me or around me in the military, but I feel that the ban [on gays serving openly] should stay but be amended to keep these good servicemembers from getting released based purely on sexual preference. If it shows negative effects in their work or relationships with others, then it should become an issue.
Appealing the ban and letting gays serve openly would be a hindrance on the overall military and our readiness to fight and serve the country. Many profess that they aren’t bothered by gays working among them, but it is usually followed by "just as long as their homosexuality isn’t made known to me." We don’t want to know about it, period.
There are many other factors to be considered when thinking about appealing the ban, including dependent status for gay partners and life insurance and other pay/housing issues; not to mention the housing of soldiers together and showers, etc.
It would be a major headache to put [the change] through Congress. It’s not worth it. We have more pressing issues right now.
Petty Officer 1st ClassNicholas ClowardCamp Slayer, Iraq