[The writer of] “How military views female GIs” (letter, April 13) thinks she is tough enough to fight off a male attacker? What if that attacker doesn’t give her a chance to fight?
I have no doubt that she is tough and that she can do the job of a man. But this kind of misplaced confidence is what can get her hurt. Men are stronger, period. And it may not be fair, but it is a woman’s lot to protect herself, because the cost of not doing so is the risk of a forced pregnancy, not to mention the bitter emotional consequences of being violated. And if you manage to maim or kill the attacker, you are now the aggressor and have to prove that you had good reason to assault the person. Do you really want that drama in your life? Really?
Sheesh, all she has to do is walk around with someone. Boohoo. If she gets all worked up about something so common sense, I think she is the one who needs more training. She is more than a potential pregnancy to the military. It could make birth control mandatory, if that was all it cared about. She is more than a potential pregnancy to her co-workers.
Men know what men can be, and they want to help keep her safe. They are her buddies, not her detractors. The only one ruining her morale is her. Suck it up and do what needs to be done, soldier!
Taunya Dutzler BrandonHill Air Force Base, Utah