In response to the numerous comments in the recent letters to the editor regarding whether gays should serve openly in the military, I want to say this: Why is it that a few liberals are trying to dictate policy for the overwhelming majority of conservatives?
I’ve been in the military for more than 21 years, and I’ve never been more disgusted with how our leaders are entertaining the thought of gays serving openly. It is not a matter of discrimination or that their rights are being violated, as the American Civil Liberties Union would like to have you believe. To correlate this as the same form of discrimination of blacks and women from serving is a slap in the face. It is not about race or gender, but is indeed about morality and ethics. People do not choose their race or gender, but they do choose living this immoral lifestyle.
I found it extremely offensive as a devout Christian to read the words from one writer ("Attack on pope was unfounded," April 16) that accused us of "cherry picking" verses from "religious texts" and that we should "do unto others" to those who are different from us.
I can only assume this "religious text" he was referring to was the Holy Bible, where it states in Romans, Chapter 1 that "man went from the natural to the unnatural and God called them of a reprobate mind" for the abominable sins of homosexuality. God is not tolerant of this immoral behavior, and neither should the U.S. military be.
I’m sure the Founding Fathers are sitting up in their graves over this moral cancer; it was wrong then and still is today. Now is the time to stand firm for what’s right and prevent the further decay and degradation of our society’s moral standards.
Master Sgt. Boyd MiddlebrookYokota Air Base, Japan