The author of the April 9 letter "No reason to keep ‘don’t ask’" stated he wanted to hear reasons "not involving the Bible, showers or ‘It’s just wrong’" [as to why the military’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy should remain in place].
Well, what’s left? Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were based on the Bible. Our laws come from the Bible, our reasoning for right and wrong comes from the Bible, our concept of common sense comes from the Bible. Our entire way of life is patterned after the Bible, as God intended it to be, and it has worked for thousands of years. But now, for some reason, they’re too old-fashioned?
Now the writer wants to throw the textbook away? Because it interferes with his way of thinking?
Being gay is a choice one makes. Call me old-fashioned, but we also have to live by those choices. Common sense, biological/physical science and nature itself verify homosexuality is not natural and, yes, the Bible says it’s wrong.
The letter writer also stated that being gay is not all about sex. Then what is it about? Because everything other then sex can be shared with the opposite sex. The only common denominator in the gay equation is the sex!
Having gays serve openly in our military is just like everything else: There are those who will push the envelope and step over the line, which is happening now. And that has been proven over and over to lead to the erosion of good order and discipline.
It does affect everyone. If you give an inch, you’ll have a marathon of problems later.
"Don’t ask, don’t tell" should remain in place. If the gay community doesn’t intend to bring/push its agenda on anyone, then what is this "living a double life" about? Gays can take up their agenda after hours and leave what goes on behind closed doors at home.
Come to work as professionals and all is well. The only time it does not work is when someone wants to tell.
Senior Chief Petty OfficerJohn W. Roth (retired)Kandahar Air Field, Afghanistan