What surprised me in the "don’t ask, don’t tell" discussion is that the Department of Defense will actually study the effects of a repeal of the policy.
The typical shrill from the extreme gay-rights crowd for immediate repeal does not surprise me at all. What I figure will not be looked at is the effect on gays in leadership positions and in the chaplain corps, destroying careers of Christians and [specifically] Catholics whose faith treats homosexual behavior as a sin.
Once "don’t ask" is gone, I am confident the number of good servicemen and women (who find homosexuality offensive) who will quit or be discharged will be far greater than the minuscule number of homosexuals discharged under"don’t ask."
Further, the lies and politics of the homosexual agenda will not stop with ending "don’t ask" or enacting homosexual marriage. Homosexuals will press for suppression of the constitutional freedoms of those who find their behavior disgusting as well as continued forced homosexual legislation and acceptance in our government, schools, communities and, eventually, churches to the point of persecution.
Maj. J. Scudder (retired)Balad, Iraq