In response to "An unfair comparison" (letter, Feb. 10), I must disagree.
Many homosexuals would argue that their attractions are not, in fact, a "choice" that can be made as easily as one might choose his favorite color, just as people cannot choose what skin color they are born with. The "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy has not worked as much as the military has continued to function despite a policy that hardly upholds the civil liberties of a minority of people.
I’ll admit I know no one who is openly gay in the service, though I have wondered, but then I simply remind myself they work just as hard as myself (if not more) and should be entitled to the right to sacrifice despite any sexual orientation.
While all Americans are entitled to freedom of religion, we are not a nation of Christians, but rather Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, atheists and agnostics. There is separation of church and state for a reason, because we are bound by the laws of man and not a specific god. All men are created equal as quoted by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. It was not written "All men are created equal, minus the homosexuals."
Like it or hate it, other countries have made having homosexuals in the service work. Other countries have flourished with homosexuals and heterosexuals working together. It is our obligation as Americans to ensure the same freedoms for all in America, despite sexual orientation, race or religion.
Senior Airman Evan ClymerCamp Cropper, Iraq