
I couldn’t help but be amused when I read "No ogling allowed" (letter, Feb. 17) The letter writer stated that military females are not "ogled" in the dining facility, and that male soldiers must "walk on eggshells." He seems to forget the multitude of sexual assaults being the reason behind so much training — as though the military attempting to deter these things is little more than glorified political correctness.

Well, unfortunately, he is not even remotely qualified to remark on how females in the military are treated downrange — as he has never been a female in the military.

To Garry Trudeau, creator of the "Doonesbury" strip that inspired "No ogling allowed": nail on the head. Your caustic humor, as always, captured the mundane aspects of military life with a directness that the demographic it was intended for — military females — will appreciate.

Spc. Crystal Smith-OgleForward Operating Base Falcon, Iraq

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