I would like to express my extreme dismay with our military leaders for telling the enemies of our country our game plans before they are implemented. To be specific, I am referring to Operation Moshtarak in Afghanistan’s Helmand province reported in the news.
I understand the reasoning behind not wanting to kill innocent people but, as a former law enforcement officer, I believe that if you don’t lie with dogs, you won’t get up with fleas.
Considering that it is pretty much common knowledge that the Taliban-run city of Marjah is considered a drug-trafficking hub, then those who live there are all co-conspirators in crime.
I may have been just a lowly squad leader in mortars in Vietnam while serving with the Marines, but we never announced our intentions to the enemy until we struck. Dropping leaflets warning people to leave because we and our allies are going to attack is insane.
If I were warned of an imminent attack that would disrupt my livelihood of drug-dealing, I would either run and come back another day or I would booby-trap every street and building I could to destroy my attackers.
I would install various squads around town building bunkers to catch my enemies in crossfire. If we were overrun, I would have forward observers feeding me information to start blowing up my previously installed booby traps, wiping out everyone I could in one gigantic blow.
Finally, being a Purple Heart holder, if I had the power, I would put every one of the people involved in making such moronic decisions as announcing the attack, whether politician or military leader, in front of our troops to lead said mission. If they lived, maybe then they would wise up.
Gregory J. TopliffWarrenville, S.C.