
I read with complete agreement "Support for school uniforms" (letter, Feb. 1). The writer is supported by many parents and students who would like school uniforms.

As a parent who has tried to address this issue with the middle school Parent Teacher Student Organization and the elementary School Advisory Committee, I have been told this issue cannot be enforced because the Department of Defense Education Activity has no policy on uniforms. If a school district approves school uniforms, then it is a voluntary option. Until DODEA addresses the issue and offers guidelines and support, then uniforms cannot be a mandated school option.

Hopefully all the studies that support uniforms in schools and the effort to provide the best education to our students will be motivators for DODEA to review the uniform issue. Having students concentrate on their education, and not how stylish they are, should be the focus of school.

Holly StroutWiesbaden, Germany

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