
My concern has grown over the last few years and recently cumulated to the point that I’m forced to speak my mind and say something about the unfair treatment the Islamic community must endure by the media.

I was drawn to the large star and moon [accompanying] "A third gender" (article, Feb. 16). When I read the article I noticed that the accepted symbol of Islam was used to draw attention to an article about transvestites, hermaphrodites or "third gender" people of Pakistan. I believe people should have the opportunity to decide for themselves how to live, but use of an Islamic symbol in this manner is disturbing to Muslims and can be easily misinterpreted by other readers.

There are Christians, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs and Buddhists along with Muslims in Pakistan who should also be represented in this article. Gender issues do not only affect the Muslims in Pakistan; maybe next time an article is published like this, editors should place a large cross or Buddha on top of the article so that section of the populace is identified.

Daily I see the unfair treatment of Muslims in the military. Articles like this only add salt to already-open wounds. The struggle we face to fight for country, fit into society, deal with ignorance of our faith, teach true Islam, support families, deal with political tensions, represent our Islamic Ummah (community) with dignity, deal with sorrow that builds because of people carrying out horrendous acts in the name of our beloved creator is enough to deal with.

Please understand my intent: I enjoy reading your articles and, on occasion, am forced to see things from a different perspective.

Sgt. 1st Class Mohamed Salim HarrellForward Operating Base Shank, Afghanistan

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