Obviously there has been no learning curve for the Democratic Party in that the "new policies and programs" offered in the State of the Union address are just more of the same array of tax credits, temporary infrastructure job stimulus programs, etc., "for everyone."
It is obvious from the country’s economic condition over the last several years that major surgery is required — a complete overhaul of our individual and business income tax system to free up capital and new hiring, stimulus spending in the aerospace and environmental industries to create high-wage, long-term new employment, and total reform of our campaign finance and lobby laws to finally divorce public policy from private money.
Unless the president truly becomes "bold" and proposes fundamental reforms for our nation’s economic disease — instead of just throwing more and more "new programs," i.e., just a heap of new laws and regulations creating only "full employment" for lobbyists, consultants, lawyers and accountants — our country, and his party, will continue to founder.
Craig CotoraLogistics Support Area Ali Al Salem, Kuwait