Regarding "Nobel: Something for nothing" (letter, Oct. 16): First, allow me to congratulate President Barack Obama on his award. Seeing how I have never been a part of the Nobel committee, I have never had a say in whom, why or how they nominate and award the individuals that they do.
But that is what I really love about the system of democracy at work: the right to choose; the option to view things this way or that way; the option to "love it or leave it!" Love that last phrase now more than ever!
Another good phrase is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So I do support the president on his push for health care. Health care is a need, not a want.
This will not happen by force. Democracy will decide. So it will not be the opinion of one man. Keep up the good work, Mr. President!
Michael LazarusMosul, Iraq