First off, I would like to say that [the writer of] “How military views female GIs” (letter, April 13) has many valid points and is to be commended for her forthright manner and courageous step in bringing this issue to light. I believe the writer has shown that she is a follower of Army values as they have been taught to all of us who are privileged to be part of a great military organization.
But I am here to say what many other personnel will not voice out loud, and what I have to say will not be met with open and accepting arms as her letter may have been by many proudly serving women in our military. But …
1. Show me one statistic that shows that women are as physically strong as men on average.
2. Show me one statistic that shows men are the majority of the victims of sexual crimes.
3. Show me the physical standards that have men and women as equals, other than sit-ups.
4. Explain to me why there are weight classes in professional fighting and gender restrictions without going against what was presented by the letter writer.
5. Explain how the writer (though we have never met) would defend herself against someone my size (6 foot, 3 inches; 250 pounds) with a great amount of martial training, by herself.
Sgt. Jason W. RobinsonAfghanistan