In reference to the April 1 letter “Correct, don’t ‘punk,’ troops”: The first thing that I see is a civilian who feels he or she has a say in how a misbehaving servicemember gets corrected. The writer should be more concerned with the way Department of Defense civilians dress, groom themselves and conduct themselves before delving into the affairs of servicemembers.
In the military we have regulations. If you are knowingly in violation, then be prepared to be “corrected.” Correction may come in differing forms determined by the leadership style of the servicemember giving guidance. I do not know what branch of service the writer was in, nor do I know how long he or she served, but what I can tell is that his or her leadership style is different than the sergeant first class he or she witnessed.
As a prior staff noncommissioned officer, I will say that immediate correction is the best tool and that some personnel respond to correction that puts them in the spotlight. Ask yourself, if you are embarrassed by a leader because he or she saw you violating a basic order and put you on blast in front of your buddies, would you violate that order again?
There is always the official route as well; instead of performing on-the-spot corrections to servicemembers violating policy, we could always just do paperwork and make the minor violation a permanent part of their record.
Leaders, continue to correct those servicemembers, both junior and senior, and clean up what is fast becoming an epidemic of belligerence, blatant disregard of orders and regulations, and, last but not least, the complete disrespect shown by junior servicemembers to their senior servicemembers.
I salute each and every one of you who has the courage to make those corrections instead of turning your head. Embrace that which sets us apart from civilians.
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Roy DuffeyCamp Arifjan, Kuwait