I am asking someone to explain why 1st Lt. Dan Choi is permitted to wear his uniform while engaged in lobbying Congress and the public to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” (“Vets discharged under ‘don’t ask’ testify,” article, March 19)
I find it offensive that a commissioned officer is using his uniform as part of a social statement/movement without repercussions. I recall that military personnel during the civil rights movement were expressly forbidden to wear their uniforms while participating in public protest. This is another example of the “entitled” attitude of members seeking to force the acceptance of an unnatural lifestyle upon the military establishment.
Choi’s chain of command has already publicly abrogated its responsibility to maintain order and discipline in the ranks by not enforcing the current standards and policies on open homosexuality in the military. They now have an officer who, while in uniform, is publicly voicing his opposition to established policies.
I call upon his commander to take action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice in response to this officer’s blatant violations regulations and laws by wearing his uniform while engaged in this activity.
Sgt. 1st Class Clark Adams (retired)Meriden, Conn.