In response to the April 1 letter on "punking" soldiers when correcting them ("Correct, don’t ‘punk,’ troops"): First, the letter writer is a civilian and how noncommissioned officers correct troops is no longer the writer’s business.
Second, at least the NCO made the correction. It was probably the hundredth correction he made that day. He probably had soldiers try to argue their point about how they should be allowed to do whatever it is they are not supposed to be doing (or wearing). These days, soldiers think that if they stand at parade rest or are reminded to give the greeting of the day that they’re being "punked." Too many NCOs just walk by, don’t care — or worse, even encourage bad behavior.
The Army needs to get out of the practice of babying soldiers, and it’s got to start somewhere.
Sgt. 1st Class Jeneen SaucedoCamp Basra, Iraq