In regard to “Let’s treat everyone fairly” (letter, Feb. 9), I cannot see relating the color of skin to the sexual orientation of servicemembers.
I am not a racist or a gay-hater. I am an average American, raised in an average Christian home who feels that homosexuality is immoral and wrong. I do not feel that being of a different race or ethnic background is wrong; you cannot change the color of your skin, but you can change your sexual orientation.
The U.S. military has had [the “don’t ask, don’t tell”] policy for years and it has worked. I don’t know anyone who is serving who is gay, nor do I care to. I do not think it is closed-minded to feel this way; it is just how I feel.
I believe in the Bible and that we are supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin. In the Christian religion, which is my right to be, homosexuality is both immoral and wrong. Society says it is OK to be immoral, so therefore it should be accepted as the standard.
When will we as Americans, and more so as human beings, stop being subjected to what society says is right and stand up for what we know to be morally right? Comparing the color of skin to sexual orientation is not only wrong, but in no way a fair comparison. One is immoral, and the other is not.
Warrant Officer 1 Marcus TannerHelmand province, Afghanistan