As Pfc. Naser Abdo sought to be released from the military with the status of conscientious objector, he condemned fellow Muslim Maj. Nidal Hasan, accused in the shooting deaths of 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, according to The Associated Press.
Such acts, he wrote, "run counter to what I believe in as a Muslim."
But officials say Abdo has admitted he planned to launch another attack on the base with a bomb in a backpack and weapons stashed in a motel room, AP reports. Abdo was arrested Wednesday at the motel near Fort Hood's main gate.
Abdo received his conscientious objector status this year, but his discharge was delayed amid military charges that child pornography was found on a computer he used, the AP reports. He went absent without leave from Fort Campbell, Ky., during the July 4 weekend.
Read more about Abdo and the alleged plot to attack Fort Hood by The Associated Press.