ARLINGTON, Va. — About 16,000 troops with the first wave of the Afghanistan surge are expected to be in country by the end of spring.
Later this month, 1,500 Marines from Camp Lejeune, N.C., will deploy to Afghanistan, leading the increase of up to 33,000 extra troops, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said on Monday.
The other units are:
6,200 Marines with Regimental Combat Team 2, headquartered out of Camp Lejeune, expected to deploy in early spring.800 Marines with I Marine Expeditionary Force Forward, out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., also deploying in spring.About 3,400 soldiers with 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, out of Fort Drum, N.Y., deploying in spring to train Afghan security forces.About 4,100 “enablers,” such as military police, deploying during the spring.These enablers will come from all of the services and cover a wide range of capabilities in areas such as medicine, aviation, engineers, logistics, Military Police and surveillance, said Army spokesman Gary Tallman.