1. REFERENCES:a. AR 215-1, 31 July 2008, Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Activities.b. Army in Europe (AE) Regulation 215-1-8, Conducting Europe Region Sports & League Championships, dated 27 JUL 05.c. DA PAM 385-5, 15 Nov 81, Fundamentals of Safety in Army Sports & Recreation.d. Army Field Manuel 3-25.125 Combatives.
2. WHAT:US Forces Combatives Tournament, hosted by USAG Bamberg, and Sports and Fitness Branch.
3. WHEN: 25-28 Feb 10
4. WHERE: Freedom Fitness Center, Bldg 7680, Bamberg, Germany
5.ENTRIES:Garrison’s/Base’s are authorized an unlimited number of entries.
6. ELIGIBILITY:a. THIS COMPETITION IS OPEN TO ALL US ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE MEMBERS. ONLY ACTIVE DUTY.b. Each service member must be assigned or attached onofficial orders to the Garrison/Base they represent.
7.CATEGORIES:a. This competition will be based on basic rules competition as outlined in FM 3-25.125, appendix B. There will be 7 weight classes for males and females.b. Competition is open to both Male and Female.
8.WEIGHT CLASSES:a. MALE (7 Wt Classes):(1) Flyweight – 125 lbs and under(2) Lightweight- 140 lbs and under(3) Welterweight- 155 lbs and under(4) Middleweight – 170 lbs and under(5) Cruiserweight- 185 lbs and under(6) Light Heavyweight – 205 lbs. and under(7) Heavyweight – over 205lbs.b. FEMALES (7 Wt Classes)(1) Flyweight – 131 lbs and under(2) Lightweight- 147 lbs and under(3) Welterweight- 163 lbs and under(4) Middleweight – 179 lbs and under(5) Cruiserweight- 194 lbs and under(6) Light Heavyweight – 215 lbs. and under(7) Heavyweight – over 215lbs.c. No weight allowances are allowed.
9. FORMAT: a. There are three level of competition; Preliminaries(7 min round, submission, or first to 15 points), Semi-finals(two 1 1/2 min rounds), and the Finals(two 5 minute rounds). If not too many competitors, we will run double eliminations in the prelims(these folks are coming to get some fight time in). Winner of each round will be determined by submission or by points scored as outlined in FM 3 25.125.b. All competitors must provide a memorandum from their unit Commander or First Sergeant stating that they are fit to participate in the Combatives tournament (individuals with profiles will not be allowed to participate). All competitors must fill out the liability waiver form and submit that along with their memorandums.
10.WEIGH-INS Weigh-ins will be conducted between 1000-1200 hours, 25 Feb. Weigh-ins, memorandums from CDR or 1SG, and liability waiver are mandatory, and must be completed prior to competition. The mandatory paperwork will be collect at the initial weigh in. Failure to complete weigh-ins and required paper work will result in NO COMPETITION!!!
11. UNIFORM Competitor’s uniform will be BDU/ACU. Wrestling shoes are authorized for wear.Competitors can fight bare footed or with their socks on.Competitors will be allowed shorts, rash guard or no shirt (sport bra for women) in finals and semi-finals. Wrestling shoes are not allowed in the Semi-Finals or Finals
12.MANDATORY SAFETY/TOURNAMENT RULES BRIEFAll fighters will attend a mandatory safety brief and tournament rules brief on 25 Feb 10 at 1400hrs at Freedom Fitness Center, Bamberg, Germany. Conducted by Mr. Steve Van Fleet Certified Army Level IV Combatives Instructor and collect memorandums from CDR or 1SG, and liability waives. Each level of competition will have its own set of rules. The rules will be available for each competitor.
13. START TIME: TBD-Base on the number of participants (Participants are expected to be ready when their bouts are called and will not be given a grace period to arrive on the mat)
14. AWARDS:a. First, second and third place awards for each weight class.An award will be given to the outstanding competitor for both male and female divisions.b. First, second and third place team awards will be given combining the men’s and women’s divisions. Points will be awarded on a 5, 3, 1 basis. One point will be given for each team member that competes as well.
15. AWARDS CEREMONY: Individual Awards will be presented upon the conclusion of competition.
16.EQUIPMENT:All fighters must have a mouth piece.Groin protection is optional (not mandatory).Groin cups (men) are mandatory for Semi-Finals and Finals
18. TOURNAMENTDIRECTORS:-Mr. Steve Van Fleet, Level IV competitor/official. DSN: 431- 2774, CIV 07031-152774 email is Steve.vanfleet@eur.army.mil.-Mr. Tony Lee, Chief, Center of Excellence, USAG Grafenwoehr, DSN 475-7576, CIV 09641-837576, email tony.leesr@eur.army.mil
19. HOST SITECOORDINATOR: Ernest Johnson, Chief of Sports & Fitness, DSN 469-9086, CIV 0951-300-9086 email is ernest.johnson@eur.army.mil.
//original signed//
Chief, Sports, Fitness & Aquatics