Would you be your own best friend?

I’d always been my own worst critic, cutting myself no slack, unable to accept compliments, doubting myself constantly. I’d never really thought, “What would I think of a separate and distinct me?”

Encouraging kids is always in tune

Being there for your kids’ activities, even the painful ones, demonstrates love and support in ways they will likely always remember.

Winning isn’t everything, but it sure is nice

There’s only so much character-building that can be done before a lack of success just makes perennial losers bitter.

The haunted house that made me a scaredy-cat

All I knew about the creepy abandoned building was that it was our town’s jail back in the olden days.

Don’t ‘just do it.’ Do it right now.

Don’t put aside your hopes and dreams. Find ways to accomplish them while you’re young and physically able.

Why are we still falling back into darkness?

I’d rather never have to say goodbye to daylight saving time. Let’s all agree that it’s best to follow the sun.

Dieting stress paradox and Little Debbies

It’s must easier to lose one’s resolve on a daily basis than to lose weight. Especially at a certain age and stage of life.

The misery of expecting company

As much effort as it is, the physical housecleaning for company we haven’t seen in a long time is often the easy part.

Modern slang parents should know but never use

The Internet has changed how and at what speeds teens and 20-somethings communicate. It’s impossible for their hapless parents to keep up, and it might be cringe for them to try.

Even a challenging day offers golden moments

A beautiful, dewy spider web, or a stranger’s odd compliment, are examples of small things that can snap us out of self-pity and into grateful reflection, if we let them.

My creative process, and other myths

Inspiration for a column idea is one thing, but stretching and refining it into a completed article is quite another.

Hot tip: Friendly service doesn’t come for free

The service industry may seem obsessed with fulfilling your every whim, but at the end of the vacation week, it’s all about that bottom line.

Change is inevitable, but so is resistance

I can’t help but be alarmed at how drastically life has changed in the past 40 years, thanks to the veritable tidal wave of technology that has swept over the world since 1983.I find it frightening that something we can’t even see has so rapidly changed life as we know it, forever.

My sailor won’t batten down the hatches

I assumed that all military men were “manly” types who tinkered with cars, hooked up stereos, and fixed stuff around the house. Shiver me timbers, was I off course!

When three’s a crowd, someone gets hurt

A three-person friendship group can be difficult to maintain without someone becoming the third wheel.

The pitfalls of comparing cousins

Sometimes when you examine similarities and differences of extended family members, you find that it’s all relative.

Silence is golden when it comes to inner critic

Sometimes it’s better if we don’t hear that small internal voice that we’ve lived with for so long.

Is military service still respected?

My pride in my family’s service and sacrifices for our country has never wavered. But I worry that I’ve lost my perspective on the true value of military service.