Hyde and seek: Our all-too-human need for attention

I’m romantically linked to someone with a dual personality — my husband, Francis. He sometimes morphs from a hard-working, retired Navy captain into someone else altogether.

Everyone should have an occasional slow Saturday

It was a beautiful winter morning, and I’d just proposed that we do nothing but watch TV. Indoors. All day long.

Avoidance coping: Why crocheting is bad for my health

When stress avoidance pastimes are adding to the stress, a change is needed.

Stupid human tricks are a major pet peeve

When it comes to my rambunctious dog, everyone else seems to be an expert on curbing unwanted animal behavior.

For the love of football

At every stage and at every location, football has been an important part of our lives.

The Borrowers: Friends, favors and faux pas

Sometimes lessons are learned the hard way, at the hands of friends who ask too much of us.

5 favorites to feed any football fan

With 24 million men and women expected to tune into the conference championships this Sunday, no one can deny football’s appeal. Maybe it’s the food?

The Beautiful People: Where are they now?

Somewhere, the cooler kids are living it up together. Or at least that’s how it feels sometimes to parents of young children.

Less is more, more or less. Or so “they” say.

In our modern world with so many pressures, it should be easy to give up more for less, right? However, after years of overindulging in everything from gossip magazines to guilt to guacamole, I’ve become addicted to excess.

Winter of discontent can’t chill optimism for future

When I read all the pessimistic scientific research about our warming globe, I find it hard to contemplate Earth’s destiny. I prefer to believe that, somehow, Mother Nature or God or the Great Gazoo will save humankind, regardless of climate change or human foul-ups.