Diego Jimenez looks at a giant apple made entirely of paper during a visit to the Jong IE Nara Paper Art Museum in Seoul. (Alfredo Jimenez Jr/Stars and Str)
Tearing paper into pieces or wadding it up in a ball and throwing it are pastimes for most children, including mine.
So when I discovered there was a place where young children, students and scholars alike can see paper in a different light - as art - I decided to take my family there to check it out.
The Jong IE Nara Paper Art Museum, located in the heart of Seoul, is a cool way to educate young minds through award-winning art constructed out of paper.
The first floor of this free museum is filled with the latest paper art by young Korean children and adults. From dinosaurs, flowers and trees to famous cartoon characters and international singers, the paper art comes to life. There is even an iPhone, complete with all its features, of paper.
As we made our way to the third floor, I noticed my son checking out a paper shark. He was enjoying himself.
Elsewhere, my daughter Natalya and my other son, Rafael, really got a kick out of the huge head of Batman's archenemy, The Joker. His bright red mouth and green hair were a real hit.
The museum has quite a collection - so much so that visitors are not allowed to take photos in the exhibit.
On our way out, an employee gave us a complimentary coloring book and blank pieces of paper so we could create our own paper art.