The majority of the visitors to Matsui Farms were Japanese, and there was little English signage around. If you go and don't speak the language, it's best to take a Japanese friend or two.

The majority of the visitors to Matsui Farms were Japanese, and there was little English signage around. If you go and don't speak the language, it's best to take a Japanese friend or two. (Teri Weaver / S&S)

The majority of the visitors to Matsui Farms were Japanese, and there was little English signage around. If you go and don't speak the language, it's best to take a Japanese friend or two.

The majority of the visitors to Matsui Farms were Japanese, and there was little English signage around. If you go and don't speak the language, it's best to take a Japanese friend or two. (Teri Weaver / S&S)

Matsui Farms, near Karuizawa in Nagano Prefecture, lets visitors pick apples from its orchard.

Matsui Farms, near Karuizawa in Nagano Prefecture, lets visitors pick apples from its orchard. (Teri Weaver / S&S)

Matsui Farms is near Karuizawa, a mountain resort town north of Tokyo. The Shinkansen bullet train gets to Karuizawa in about an hour and 15 minutes; round-trip tickets run about $55. From there, it's best to rent a car to get out to the orchards.

Matsui Farms is near Karuizawa, a mountain resort town north of Tokyo. The Shinkansen bullet train gets to Karuizawa in about an hour and 15 minutes; round-trip tickets run about $55. From there, it's best to rent a car to get out to the orchards. (Teri Weaver / S&S)

At the orchard's entrance, a worker gives instructions on how to pick the apples without damaging the tree: Twist the fruit, rather than pull.

At the orchard's entrance, a worker gives instructions on how to pick the apples without damaging the tree: Twist the fruit, rather than pull. (Teri Weaver / S&S)

The view from Mt. Asama, elevation 8,425 feet.

The view from Mt. Asama, elevation 8,425 feet. (Teri Weaver / S&S)

From September to November, orchards and farms throughout Japan invite visitors to pick their own fruits and vegetables. Most places charge a small entrance fee. There are additional costs for the produce.

Finding a farm or orchard near you might involve a few favors from some Japanese-speaking friends. There are few Web sites in English that offer information about harvesting. Additionally, some of the farms and orchards are well-off the train tracks. Most outings involve a train ride and/or a rental car.

But the results are worth the efforts — fresh produce picked on a fresh fall day. You can thank your Japanese friends with an apple pie.

According to Rurubu, a Japanese travel magazine Web site, the seasons for fruit and vegetable picking are as follows:

Grapes: early August to late OctoberApples: early September to late NovemberJapanese pears: early September to late NovemberTangerines: early September to late NovemberPersimmons: early August to late OctoberKiwi fruit: early September to late NovemberFigs: mid-August to late OctoberChestnuts: early August to late OctoberSweet potatoes: early September to late NovemberShitake mushrooms: early September to late NovemberMatsutake (pine) mushrooms: early September to late NovemberFor more information, check out Rurubu Magazine and the Japan Tourism Association (Web sites in Japanese only): or

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