The majority of the visitors to Matsui Farms were Japanese, and there was little English signage around. If you go and don't speak the language, it's best to take a Japanese friend or two. (Teri Weaver / S&S)
From September to November, orchards and farms throughout Japan invite visitors to pick their own fruits and vegetables. Most places charge a small entrance fee. There are additional costs for the produce.
Finding a farm or orchard near you might involve a few favors from some Japanese-speaking friends. There are few Web sites in English that offer information about harvesting. Additionally, some of the farms and orchards are well-off the train tracks. Most outings involve a train ride and/or a rental car.
But the results are worth the efforts — fresh produce picked on a fresh fall day. You can thank your Japanese friends with an apple pie.
According to Rurubu, a Japanese travel magazine Web site, the seasons for fruit and vegetable picking are as follows:
Grapes: early August to late OctoberApples: early September to late NovemberJapanese pears: early September to late NovemberTangerines: early September to late NovemberPersimmons: early August to late OctoberKiwi fruit: early September to late NovemberFigs: mid-August to late OctoberChestnuts: early August to late OctoberSweet potatoes: early September to late NovemberShitake mushrooms: early September to late NovemberMatsutake (pine) mushrooms: early September to late NovemberFor more information, check out Rurubu Magazine and the Japan Tourism Association (Web sites in Japanese only): or