“MAG,” which offers only online play, lets 256 gamers battle on a single map.

“MAG,” which offers only online play, lets 256 gamers battle on a single map. (Sony)

When I first heard of "MAG" — short for Massive Action Game — I was certain the inclusion of 256 players on a single map would lead to total chaos. Then I played it.

This first person shooter is set in the near future when countries no longer have deployable militaries, and three private military companies start to run rampant competing for contracts. Each faction either attacks or defends a territory on the 10 maps of the game.

MAG lets players choose a faction before joining the fray. Each faction has its own unique selection of war toys and mentalities. S.V.E.R. is a ragtag bunch of mercenaries from the Middle East and Russia. Raven Industries are the special forces of the PMC’s armed with the latest and greatest weaponry. Valor Company is a grunt force comprised of veterans from the West.

To avoid simulating two ant colonies battling it out in a chaotic 128 vs. 128 battles, the developers at Zipper Interactive included leadership roles. Companies are broken into platoons and then into squads, each with a commander.

As an incentive to follow orders, players get bonus experience points toward their rank. You can go rogue and ignore the orders, but you will find your peers rapidly outrunning you in the race for rank. This is a big incentive since rank equals new weapons.

The battles tend to be broken down into smaller skirmishes that reflect the way the companies are broken down. This does not mean the game feels smaller than it is. The constant sound of faraway gunshots and the view from high points will quickly remind any player, he is in a massive action game.

I haven’t had the chance to play as a company leader yet, so I will reserve that part of the review for a future issue when we will print a much fuller review of "MAG."

For now, I am enjoying the intense fighting action even if there are some technical issues surrounding the control and mechanics. First impressions, say this game is worth your money and may have an impact on the future of war simulation.

Platform: PlayStation 3

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