No bones about it — in Europe it’s a dog’s world.
Americans love their pets, especially their pooches, but in the States, there are limits on where they can take their furry friends. In Europe, however, there isn’t much for pooches to pout over. Special dog cafés aren’t necessary because paws are seen out in full force nearly everywhere.
From department stores to restaurants, canines of all shapes and sizes can be seen almost everywhere their human owners are seen. Got a Lassie-size collie? No problem, take him right into the restaurant. And while there, ask for a bowl of water for him.
How about a tiny terrier? Just make sure he doesn’t get trampled in the hustle of the crowded pedestrian zone or in a bustling department store.
Most public transportation opens its doors to pets, as well. Dogs are even welcome on long train rides across countries.
Don’t worry about accommodations on a trip, either. Four- legged friends can stay in most hotels. City information booths offer specific information on which hotels allow dogs. The majority of hotels and inns will charge a small fee.
For example, the Ramada hotels throughout Germany welcome pets and charge 7 euros per night for them.
The only places Fido won’t be welcome are in grocery stores and some pubs. These places will usually display a picture of a dog with a diagonal line running through it or a sign that shows a dog waiting outside on a leash.
Cities and parks also are full of wagging tails and playful barks. And well-behaved dogs don’t even have to wear a leash. Usually, leashes are mandatory only during sporting events or other similar areas where there’s lots of action.
But the key to taking a pet anywhere is good animal behavior. Pooches new to the European experience should always remain on a leash until they learn how to sit, stay and respond to other basic commands.
Owners must remain on their best behavior as well and always pick up after their pet; otherwise, it’s the owners who could be growling over stiff fines.